Post by timvh on Profinet fault with codesys control V3 - Receive packet error
Are you using the Control Win SL (installed together with the development environment of CODESYS)? If yes, you might want to consider using the CODESYS RTE instead. This has real-time capabilities (running on separate core(s)). But to be able to use this, you have to install the CODESYS Ethernet driver for your network interface to be able to let the RTE access the network port also in realtime. See: PS, I haven't tested this myself yet, but you could try to use the SetCommunicationState method of the Profinet controller to see if you can reset and start the bus communication: result := PN_Controller.SetCommunicationState(eRequestedState := DED.DEVICE_TRANSITION_STATE.START); PS, if you are located in the Netherlands or Belgium, we could also provide the license(s) for you.
Last updated: 2024-02-28
Post by vernon-laurence on EtherCAT fieldbus
The simplest way to do this would be to add a bus coupler dedicated to the expansion IO. The EtherCAT network does not fault when modules connected to the expander are not present. In the image below, nothing below the red line is present in the network - with the network working correctly. In your "base" project, simply include all of the possible modules, and then plug them in as you add pumps to the system. I would also highly recommend against the use of direct addressing. There are other methods to accomplish this, including using the "Optional" checkbox for modules and explicitly addressing them. Although, this would require more upfront work to design the network, and some additional work each time modules were added.
Last updated: 2024-04-09
Post by ucconversions on displaying all incoming CAN bus messages
Hello Im using CAN API Im receiving CAN messages with no problem. below is my code. METHOD ProcessMessage VAR_IN_OUT ( Incoming message ) Message : CAN.RxMESSAGE; END_VAR VAR i: USINT; END_VAR recvCANid := Message.udiCanID; IF recvCANid = 16#18FF8247 THEN UserVarGlobal.g_countMsg_RPMset := UserVarGlobal.g_countMsg_RPMset + 1; FOR i := 0 TO 7 DO myDataFF82[i] := Message.abyData[i]; END_FOR END_IF but in this way I can only display CAN messages which I know its ID. I want to display all incoming CAN messages for example first incoming CAN message - I assign it into a variable Message1. second incoming CAN message - I assign it into a variable Message2. third incoming CAN message - I assign it into a variable Message3. Can you give me guidance? Thank you BR
Last updated: 2024-07-18
Post by shrikantp007 on new to codesys help on modbus with ardunio modbus rtu
Hello , I am new to codesys ,working with it for just 15-17 days so ,i think i am able to installed it and configure it ,not i want to use ardunio program (smart dustbin ,college project using motor and Ultrasonic Module HC-SR04 and servo motor). i use ardunio program to write code with chatgpt to work ardunio as a modbus rtu as i dont have ethernet or wifi shild ,i wrote program in ariduno but now don have idea what change i have to make in codesys to comunicate as modbus slave it give error with bus error ,where i can get all errors ? Thanks in advance :)
Last updated: 2024-07-21
Post by mubeta on Reset problem with CMZ SD/SVM drive
In a recent project with SoftMotion, where I integrated two SD drives from CMZ (from catalogue EDS and not imported), on CANopen bus, I found that the SoftMotion MC_Reset function does not reset the drive faults. Even if the drive is in fault, either on the device or on the drive at the CoDeSys level, the function does not reset, instead reporting the error code: no error to reset. Finally, I had to connect the reset bit of the ControlWord directly to a tag in my program. Something I never had to do on other drives: Lexium, etc. all reset simply with MC_Reset.
Last updated: 2024-07-24
Post by bernhardw on Probleme mit MC_HALT_SML und MC_STOP_SML
Hallo … ich verwende: SoftMotionLight im Positions-Mode Ethercat-Bus Servoverstärker: Metronix BL4104-C . MC_HALT_SML funktioniert nicht zuverlässig (Achse fährt manchmal zu weit oder bis zum Softwareschalter) Ich habe festgestellt, dass intern beim Aufruf von Positions- auf Velocity-Mode umgeschaltet wird - und dann wird wahrscheinlich intern auf Drehzahl 0 abgeregelt. Kennt jemand dieses Problem? – der Wechsel der Betriebsart ja ist nicht verzögerungsfrei! MC_STOP_SML Der Baustein hat keinen Eingangsparameter "Deceleration" Die Achse stoppt und bleibt im Positions-Mode. Aber die Verzögerung ist nicht wie beschrieben: nicht "Objekt 6085h: quick_stop_deceleration" - sondern "Objekt 6084h: profile_deceleration" - aus zuvor aufgerufenem MC_MOVE_ABSOLUTE_SML Ich wäre dankbar für jeden Hinweis Gruß Bernhard
Last updated: 2024-08-05
Post by jp23 on Unable to Connect to Modbus RTU Device
Hi all, I am attempting to use the Control Win V3 soft PLC to control a WAGO 750-315 remote I/O system via modbus RTU communication. I am struggling to connect to the device. I have been following this tutorial: I have setup my devices as shown in the images below. I have verified that my com port settings are correct as I am able to connect/control using modbus simulator software with these settings. I have also connected to a modbus master simulator program as instructed in the video, but the orange triangles will not go away. Additionally, I have updated my settings to 485 using the PLC shell. I have also set "always update variables" to enabled (1). Serial port, PCI-Bus, and modbus serial device status all show as "Not Running."
Last updated: 2024-08-26
Post by jp23 on Unable to Connect to Modbus RTU Device
Hi all, I am attempting to use the Control Win V3 soft PLC to control a WAGO 750-315 remote I/O system via modbus RTU communication. I am struggling to connect to the device. I have been following this tutorial: I have setup my devices as shown in the images below. I have verified that my com port settings are correct as I am able to connect/control using modbus simulator software with these settings. I have also connected to a modbus master simulator program as instructed in the video, but the orange triangles will not go away. Additionally, I have updated my settings to 485 using the PLC shell. I have also set "always update variables" to enabled (1). Serial port, PCI-Bus, and modbus serial device status all show as "Not Running."
Last updated: 2024-08-26
Post by jp23 on Unable to Connect to Modbus RTU Device
Hi all, I am attempting to use the Control Win V3 soft PLC to control a WAGO 750-315 remote I/O system via modbus RTU communication. I am struggling to connect to the device. I have been following this tutorial: I have setup my devices as shown in the images below. I have verified that my com port settings are correct as I am able to connect/control using modbus simulator software with these settings. I have also connected to a modbus master simulator program as instructed in the video, but the orange triangles will not go away. Additionally, I have updated my settings to 485 using the PLC shell. I have also set "always update variables" to enabled (1). Serial port, PCI-Bus, and modbus serial device status all show as "Not Running."
Last updated: 2024-08-26
Post by jp23 on Unable to Connect to Modbus RTU Device
Hi all, I am attempting to use the Control Win V3 soft PLC to control a WAGO 750-315 remote I/O system via modbus RTU communication. I am struggling to connect to the device. I have been following this tutorial: I have setup my devices as shown in the images below. I have verified that my com port settings are correct as I am able to connect/control using modbus simulator software with these settings. I have also connected to a modbus master simulator program as instructed in the video, but the orange triangles will not go away. Additionally, I have updated my settings to 485 using the PLC shell. I have also set "always update variables" to enabled (1). Serial port, PCI-Bus, and modbus serial device status all show as "Not Running."
Last updated: 2024-08-26
Post by jp23 on Unable to Connect to Modbus RTU Device
Hi all, I am attempting to use the Control Win V3 soft PLC to control a WAGO 750-315 remote I/O system via modbus RTU communication. I am struggling to connect to the device. I have been following this tutorial: I have setup my devices as shown in the images below. I have verified that my com port settings are correct as I am able to connect/control using modbus simulator software with these settings. I have also connected to a modbus master simulator program as instructed in the video, but the orange triangles will not go away. Additionally, I have updated my settings to 485 using the PLC shell. I have also set "always update variables" to enabled (1). Serial port, PCI-Bus, and modbus serial device status all show as "Not Running."
Last updated: 2024-08-26
Post by jp23 on Unable to Connect to Modbus RTU Device
Hi all, I am attempting to use the Control Win V3 soft PLC to control a WAGO 750-315 remote I/O system via modbus RTU communication. I am struggling to connect to the device. I have been following this tutorial: I have setup my devices as shown in the images below. I have verified that my com port settings are correct as I am able to connect/control using modbus simulator software with these settings. I have also connected to a modbus master simulator program as instructed in the video, but the orange triangles will not go away. Additionally, I have updated my settings to 485 using the PLC shell. I have also set "always update variables" to enabled (1). Serial port, PCI-Bus, and modbus serial device status all show as "Not Running."
Last updated: 2024-08-26
Post by jp23 on Unable to Connect to Modbus RTU Device
Hi all, I am attempting to use the Control Win V3 soft PLC to control a WAGO 750-315 remote I/O system via modbus RTU communication. I am struggling to connect to the device. I have been following this tutorial: I have setup my devices as shown in the images below. I have verified that my com port settings are correct as I am able to connect/control using modbus simulator software with these settings. I have also connected to a modbus master simulator program as instructed in the video, but the orange triangles will not go away. Additionally, I have updated my settings to 485 using the PLC shell. I have also set "always update variables" to enabled (1). Serial port, PCI-Bus, and modbus serial device status all show as "Not Running."
Last updated: 2024-08-26
Post by gallusrrr on usb2can in Codeysy 3.5 Can Gateway
Hallo und guten Morgen, Ich danke für die Rückmeldung. ich habe das oben geschriebene durchgeführt und auch festgestellt das mit die Commandos für die Can befehle noch fehlen. (Google angeschmissen und geschaut auch gefunden) sudo apt-get install can-utils (damit auch jemanden anders der Post hilft) Anschließend habe ich das CAN System komplett aufgebaut so das ich mit einen anderen CAN Adapter schauen konnte ob die Nachricht auch ankommt. die Nachricht kommt an :) danach habe ich follgende Ausgabe: pi@Codesys:~ $ sudo ip -s -d link show can0 3: can0: <noarp,up,lower_up,echo> mtu 16 qdisc pfifo_fast state UP mode DEFAULT group default qlen 10 link/can promiscuity 0 allmulti 0 minmtu 0 maxmtu 0 can state ERROR-ACTIVE restart-ms 0 bitrate 250000 sample-point 0.875 tq 250 prop-seg 6 phase-seg1 7 phase-seg2 2 sjw 1 brp 12 gs_usb: tseg1 1..16 tseg2 1..8 sjw 1..4 brp 1..1024 brp_inc 1 clock 48000000 re-started bus-errors arbit-lost error-warn error-pass bus-off 0 0 0 0 0 0 numtxqueues 1 numrxqueues 1 gso_max_size 65536 gso_max_segs 65535 tso_max_size 65536 tso_max_segs 65535 gro_max_size 65536 parentbus usb parentdev 1-1.4:1.0 RX: bytes packets errors dropped missed mcast 3549 819 0 0 0 0 TX: bytes packets errors dropped carrier collsns 32 4 0 0 0 0</noarp,up,lower_up,echo> (Sorry habe kein Speicherplatz im Web um Bilder anzuzeigen..) man kan sehen das die Nachricht abgeht und auch 32 Byte Empfangen worden sind. Die nachricht ist auch am anderen CAN Adapter sichtbar gewesen. Wie bekomem ich den einrichteten Adapter in Codesys rein? das ich den Befehl sudo ip link set can0 up type can bitrate 500000 das ich die Einrichtungs des Can Adapters noch in die Rasperry Start rutine nehmen muss ist mir klar. Ich bedanke mich .
Last updated: 2024-01-18
Post by cfam on Codesys Control for PLCnext (PLC - AXL F 2152)
Good day All I would like to share some information on this site for the Codesys team as well for the future members using Codesys Control for PLCnext if it is allowed. I hope that i Post it in the correct spot. Subject: Codesys, Codesys Control for PLCnext Objective: Using the following Phoenix components to built a PLC Rack and run it on Codesys: Hardware and Software used 1. 2404267, AXC F 2152 - Controller 2. 1088136, AXL F BP SE6 - Module carrier 3. 1088129, AXL SE DO16/1 - Digital module 4. 1337224, AXL SE PD16 GND - Potential distributors 5. 1088127, AXL SE DI16/1 - Digital module 6. 1337223, AXL SE PD16 24V - Potential distributors 7. 1088123, AXL SE AO4 I 4-20 - Analog module 8. 1088134, AXL SE SC-A - Cover 9. Codesys v3.5 SP19 Patch 4 10. Codesys Control for PLCnext V4.10.0.0 Process: Firstly I built the Rack according to the Phoenix Project+ Software tool. Where I rebuilt it onto my test bench . I used the PLCnext Engineer IDE from Phoenix and all Communications where up and running and my PLC program executed successfully. THEN I tried the same PLC Layout with Codesys and Codesys Control for PLCnext. It was not successful and gave me the "Error: Local Bus not Running". I searched the web for answers but was unsuccessful in finding a solution. So I tried to change my configuration and found that the following Modules COULD NOT be recognized by Codesys Control. The result was that the Local Bus Failed to run. 1337224, AXL SE PD16 GND - Potential distributors 1337223, AXL SE PD16 24V - Potential distributors Example 1, Resulted in "Error: Local Bus Not Running": Module carrier slot 1: 1088129, AXL SE DO16/1 - Digital module Module carrier slot 2: 1337224, AXL SE PD16 GND - Potential distributors Module carrier slot 3: 1088127, AXL SE DI16/1 - Digital module Module carrier slot 4: 1337223, AXL SE PD16 24V - Potential distributors Module carrier slot 5: 1088123, AXL SE AO4 I 4-20 - Analog module Module carrier slot 6: 1088134, AXL SE SC-A - Cover Example 2, Result "Successful": Module carrier slot 1: 1088129, AXL SE DO16/1 - Digital module Module carrier slot 2: 1088127, AXL SE DI16/1 - Digital module Module carrier slot 3: 1088123, AXL SE AO4 I 4-20 - Analog module Module carrier slot 4: 1088134, AXL SE SC-A - Cover Module carrier slot 5: 1088134, AXL SE SC-A - Cover Module carrier slot 6: 1088134, AXL SE SC-A - Cover Result: Codesys or Codesys Control for PLCnext, has a PROBLEM to identify the following Modules. 1. AXL SE PD16 24V - Potential distributors 2. AXL SE PD16 GND - Potential distributors Hope that this information could be useful in future. Best regards Jaco Pretorius
Last updated: 2023-12-06
Post by ryandmg on Web Client (HMI) Disconnects from Webvisu (Weidmuller u-OS)
Thanks So Much for the reply! Were using the Weidmuller UV66-ADV-10-CAP-W The HMI is pointed to the URL which is assigned through u-OS. Basically when you log into the controller's webserver via browser you can view the installed apps. One of which is the Codesys runtime. When you click on that it takes you to the visualization. That corresponding url is what the HMI is looking for. I apologize I don't have that on hand as I'm in the office right now. I don't think I tried connecting using the port you mentioned and https in lieu of the u_OS URL. I can certainly try. Out of the box the u-OS is set for HTTP. Since we're isolated I havent changed that yet. When this has happened while logged on via chrome on my laptop, simply refreshing brings the visualization right back. In the case of the HMI in kiosk mode, we power cycle the HMI to force a reconnect, log back in u-OS and the visualization is back.
Last updated: 2023-09-06
Post by danwoodlock on RPI Zero w - Edge gateway cant install
Hello all, First post. I recently acquired an RPI zero W from amazon, and have been using it with Codesys v3.5 SP19 patch 2. I first got it working yesterday, and after installing the runtime on the Pi, I was prompted to install the edge gateway. Installation of the edge gateway failed because of unsupported architecture, undeterred I was able to connect to the pi and program as I wanted. The issue I've noticed is that if I do not load anything to the pi overnight, I can then no longer connect to the pi and download, although I can still ping it from my pc. I found that if I power cycle the PI, I am then able to connect again, and it works as normal. I did some googling and found instances where people recommended downloading the newest edge gateway, which brings me here. Wondering if there are any suggestions, or if this is a known issue. I actually tried installing all 3 versions of edge gateway for science, but all fail with the same message. Thanks -Dan
Last updated: 2023-09-13
Post by sturmghost on Initialization of visualization variables and cyclic code execution
I'm looking for a smart and short way to implement initialization of visualization variables depending on the visualization input. For an easy example consider a rectangle which rests at XPos := 0 when the input state is false and at XPos := 50 when the input state is true. My visualization variables look like this: VAR_IN_OUT State : BOOL; END_VAR VAR XPos : INT; END_VAR I put this rectangle via a visualization frame element into another visualization and link a frame reference variable with the state to it. If the variable is true, the rectangle should rest at XPos := 50 and false at XPos := 0 at visualization init but how should I assign the 50 or 0 to the internal visualization variable XPos? I would need some init-methode for the visualization but I dont want a global init-method for such tasks. I want to do it inside of the visualization element but I can't see any solution for this? It would be good to be able to define ST-code within the visualization element which runs cyclic at each VISU_TASK task-cycle then I could just check the input state and change the XPos accordingly. Does someone have a solution?
Last updated: 2023-10-01
Post by riccardo on VisuElems.CurrentUserGroupId is not stable
GoodMorning everyone. I have a system that, in case of alarm, have to block. When the operator logs in must have to acknoledge the alarm and should operate in the system freely. To perform this I detect the logged User by (VisuElems.CurrentUserGroupID <> 0) with a similar code to the the following: PROGRAM AlarmMngt VAR alarm : BOOL:= FALSE; Ack : BOOL:= TRUE; PushBottonOpening : BOOL:= FALSE; Valve : BOOL := FALSE; Flag: BOOL := FALSE; END_VAR IF alarm AND Ack AND (NOT Flag) THEN valve := FALSE; PushBottonOpening := FALSE; Ack := FALSE flag := TRUE; ELSIF (NOT alarm) AND Ack THEN flag := FALSE; END_IF (* if the system is in alarm but there is a logged operator that acknowledge the alarm the system allows the valve opening.*) IF (VisuElems.CurrentUserGroupID <> 0) AND Ack AND Alarm AND PushBottonOpening THEN Valve := TRUE; ELSIF (VisuElems.CurrentUserGroupID = 0) AND Alarm THEN valve := FALSE; END_IF The problem I have is in the last 5 lines of the code: Even if there is a logged in user, the GroupID variable is subjected to a refresh that cyclically set for an instant it to 0 and this close the valve making difficult to the user to work Now I solved it creating a time hysteresys cycle but it is not a good solution. Someone is able to explane me why the GroupID variable is sobjected to this refresh and how to stabilize to avoiding it? Thank you in advance, Riccardo
Last updated: 2023-11-10
Post by open on How to create a stopwatch?
Hi @ph0010421, I tried the program the TimeTaken is calculated when stop is triggered. I want the TimeTaken to be continuously calculated and counting when a BOOL variable is true. I tried to program this way: Declaration: PROGRAM PLC_PRG VAR bStartStop: BOOL := FALSE; // Start/Stop button bReset: BOOL := FALSE; // Reset button bRunning: BOOL := FALSE; // Flag indicating whether the stopwatch is running tStartTime: TIME; // Variable to store the start time tElapsedTime: TIME; // Variable to store the elapsed time END_VAR Implementation: // Main program logic IF bReset THEN // Reset button pressed, reset the stopwatch bRunning := FALSE; tElapsedTime := T#0s; ELSIF bStartStop THEN // Start/Stop button pressed, toggle the running state IF bRunning THEN // Stop the stopwatch bRunning := FALSE; ELSE // Start the stopwatch bRunning := TRUE; tStartTime := tElapsedTime; END_IF; END_IF // Update the elapsed time when the stopwatch is running IF bRunning THEN tElapsedTime := tElapsedTime + T#1s; // Adjust the time increment as needed END_IF However counting of the seconds is not accurate. I tried changing the main task cycle time interval to 1000ms. The counting of seconds become slower. (see attached) Please help
Last updated: 2023-12-08
Post by mondinmr on Direct Pointers in IOMapping for EtherCAT with IoDrvEthercatLib.ETCSlave_Dia
Using SDO, I can read the EtherCAT mappings and offsets from various registers like 0x1c12, 0x1c13, etc. When I obtain registers mapped in the PDOs and various offsets, I could technically access directly to the statusword, controlword, etc., if they are mapped. I have noticed that on IoDrvEthercatLib.ETCSlave_Diag I can find pointers to the input and output buffers. However, although the input buffer can be easily read by referring to what has been obtained from the SDOs, it is not possible to write to the output buffer, as it is overwritten in each cycle by the data from the IOMapping task. Is there a way, knowing an instance of IoDrvEthercatLib.ETCSlave_Diag, to obtain the pointer to the first data in the IOMapping? The offsets are identical to those of the PDOs, but obviously the data is a copy. For me, the cleanest thing would be to access the pointers on IOMapping, for DS402a devices to retrieve the key data and point them to internal references. I need to know this as, having developed our own motion library, I would like to simplify the initial setup by eliminating unnecessary and nonsensical mappings that can lead users to unnecessary errors. In the current version that we have been using for years, we have to map everything manually. I would like to pass only the slave reference to the FB_init constructors and eliminate the mapping.
Last updated: 2024-02-12
Post by rmaas on Fieldbus has lost synchronicity
Hi, On a gantry system with 2 axis i am getting the following error: SMC_DI_FIELDBUS_LOST_SYNCRONICITY This happens random, sometimes it happens every 5 minutes and sometimes no error for 2 hours... The Setup: - Using codesys 3.5 SP20 with all latest libs... - Kontron AL Pi-Tron CM4 with Preempt realtime patch (Raspberry Pi 4) - Codesys runtime (single core) - CODESYS Control for Raspberry Pi SL licensed - Softmotion + CNC + Robotics licensed - 2x Leadshine EL8-EC400 servo drives - Axis group for a 2-axis T-Gantry Ethercat network wiring: Ethercat master softmotion -> Beckhoff EK1100 -> Servo drive #1 -> Servo drive #2 Ethercat Cycle time = 4ms Max Jitter = 140~150 What i have tried so far: - changed the sync offset from 20% to 30% - changed ethercat task priority from 1 to 0 Running tasks: - Ethercat tast: Prio = 0, Interval = 4ms - Main task: Prio = 1, Interval = 8ms - Visu task: Prio = 31, Interval = 100ms - Softmotion planning task: Prio = 15, Freewheeling - 3 other default tasks that were created by AC_Persist Motion fb's are called in the ethercat task... Does anyone have an idea how to fix this? Any help is greatly appreciated!
Last updated: 2024-04-11
Post by mp9876 on Problem using MeasureFrequence FB
Hi everyone, new at Codesys and PLC programming in general. I am using Codesys Win V3.5 SP20 I would like to measure an encoder's frequency output (obtaining that pulse train from Factory IO) and intended to use the MeasureFrequence FB (Intern/CAA/Utilities/CAA Mathematics/ As mentioned in the title what I need to measure is low frequency, such as lower than 40hz (a cycle every 25mS) or so; I could even go lower frequency if required as this is for test purposes) therefore I am not expecting problem measuring a low frequency with that FB The library in question appears to be installed as I can retrieve it from the Library Repository. I can also see it from the Device's Library Manager. Problem arises when I am trying to instantiate this particular FB. I go like this: VAR MeasF:MeasureFrequence; END_VAR Please note that as soon as I start typing the "MeasureFrequence", the MeasureFrequence comes out as a viable option in auto-typing; seems to indicate that the FB is recognized somehow. But there is no way I can compile this as it comes back with the following: C0046: Identifier 'MeasureFrequence' not defined. Tried to rename that to ABC instead of MeasF; same issue. Possibly that the library is not properly installed ? Placeholder ? I would greatly appreciate a bit of guidance if possible. Thank you and regards, Mike
Last updated: 2024-06-24
Post by trusty-squire on Confused by dwIpoTime input for SMC_Interpolator
Hi, Learning Codesys CNC, and I am confused by the dwIpoTime parameter. I have a basic demo application, using SMC_Interpolator feeding into SMC_TRAFO_Gantry2Tool2, which then sets the position of the x/y SM_Drive_Virtual axis. I also have a C axis which revolves the tool, which is controlled using a simple tangential angle calculation SMC_CalcDirectionFromVector. The GCode I'm using has feed/accel set at 500. The axis configuration limits are well above that (2000). What's strange is that, when I run the simulation, the feed speed changes drastically when I update the variable dwIpoTime. The larger the number, the faster it moves. What's going on here? The documentation only says "This variable has to be set for each call. It represents the cycle time in μsec." Why does it change the feed speed I'm seeing the in simulation? What is a good number to use? The example I was looking at set it at 5000. Screenshot attached.
Last updated: 2024-07-18
Post by edvard-munch on How I can get "Done flag" for "Modbus Slave Channel"?
This is from 10 years ago, I know. But I have been using (SLAVE_DEVICE.iChannelIndex = CHANNEL_NUMBER) AND (SLAVE_DEVICE.xDone) I suppose that it shows xDone for the channel that shows up in the iChannelIndex at the same cycle? It seems to be working properly for two devices that I have been using it before But now I have another device and using two write channels, for one register each. One channel works properly and returns DONE flag When another channel is triggered, I see that it shows up in iChannelIndex, but flag DONE not received, but no Error for the channel. Also, when i check the register in the device it's evident that data has been transferred. Is this could happen sometimes with CODESYS, so DONE flag not received? Or this is a problem with a given device? With this certain register
Last updated: 2024-12-19
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