Post by anonymous on Hi, I try to send and receive data using a UDP connection via SysSocket While sending data works fine, I have problems with the receiving part. I am able to capture the received data of client side in wireshark But unable to capture it on the codesys
Hi, I try to send and receive data using a UDP connection via SysSocket While sending data works fine, I have problems with the receiving part.I am able to capture the data of client side in wireshark but i am unable to capture it in the codesys. Heres the below part of code of client side. PROGRAM POU_udpclient_program VAR istep : INT := 1;//step variable for state machine xStart: BOOL;// Flag to start the UDP protocol iecSocketId: syssocket_interfaces.RTS_IEC_HANDLE;//socket handle for receiving iecCreateResult: syssocket_interfaces.RTS_IEC_RESULT; ipAddr: syssocket.SOCKADDRESS;//Socket address structure for receiving sIpAddress : STRING := ''; wPort: WORD:= 12346; iecConnectResult : syssocket_interfaces.RTS_IEC_RESULT;//connect paramters sDataRec : STRING[255];//Buffer for received data xiRecBytes : __XINT;//number of bytes received iecRecResult : syssocket_interfaces.RTS_IEC_RESULT;//receive data parameters iecCloseResult : syssocket_interfaces.RTS_IEC_RESULT; END_VAR syssocket.SysSockInetAddr(sIpAddress,ADR(ipAddr.sin_addr)); ipAddr.sin_family := syssocket.SOCKET_AF_INET; ipAddr.sin_port := syssocket.SysSockHtons(wPort); CASE istep OF 1: //create socket IF xStart THEN iecSocketId:= syssocket.SysSockCreate(syssocket.SOCKET_AF_INET,syssocket.SOCKET_DGRAM,syssocket.SOCKET_IPPROTO_IP,ADR(iecCreateResult)); IF iecSocketId = syssocket_interfaces.RTS_INVALID_HANDLE THEN xStart := FALSE; istep := 1; ELSE istep := 2; END_IF END_IF 2: //connect to socket server using setoption iecConnectResult := syssocket.SysSockSetOption(iecSocketId,syssocket.SOCKET_SOL,syssocket.SOCKET_SO_REUSEADDR,ADR(ipAddr),SIZEOF(ipAddr)); istep := 3; 3: //receive data xiRecBytes := syssocket.SysSockRecvFrom(iecSocketId,ADR(sDataRec),SIZEOF(sDataRec),0,ADR(ipAddr),SIZEOF(ipAddr),ADR(iecRecResult)); istep := 4; 4: //close socket iecCloseResult:= syssocket.SysSockClose(iecSocketId); xStart := FALSE; istep := 1; END_CASE
Last updated: 2024-06-03
Post by caprez95 on Trace Restart Visuelement
Hallo zusammen. Ich habe schon länger mit dem Problem zu kämpfen, dass ich einen Trend (Visuelement) nicht resetten (neustarten) kann. Ich habe es jetzt mit dem Beispiel hinbekommen, die Trace-Aufzeichnung über die CmpTraceMgr Bibliothek zu steuern. Aber wie bekomme ich diese Trace-Aufzeichnung in ein Visuelement? Der Code sieht wie folgt aus: // Configure trace IF xInit THEN // Create a trace packet PacketConfig.pszName := ADR('IECTraceConfiguration.Trace1'); // Name of trace PacketConfig.pszApplicationName := ADR('IECTraceConfiguration'); // Name of the application PacketConfig.pszIecTaskName := ADR('Task'); // Name of the task PacketConfig.pszComment := ADR('Demo packet'); PacketConfig.ulEveryNCycles := 1; PacketConfig.ulBufferEntries := 1000; PacketConfig.ulFlags := TRACE_PACKET_FLAGS.TRACE_PACKET_FLAGS_TIMESTAMP_MS AND TRACE_PACKET_FLAGS.TRACE_PACKET_FLAGS_AUTOSTART; IF (NOT fbTraceManager.CreatePacket(PacketConfig := PacketConfig, hPacket=>hPacket1)) THEN xError := TRUE; END_IF // Create a trace record RecordConfig.pszVariable := ADR('iSignal'); // This is the name of variable to record RecordConfig.tcClass := INT_TO_UDINT(TypeClass.TYPE_INT); // Type of the recording variable RecordConfig.ulSize := SIZEOF(iSignal); // Size of the recording variable pApp := AppFindApplicationByName('IECTraceConfiguration', 0); AppGetAreaOffsetByAddress(pApp, ADR(iSignal), ADR(RecordConfig.tvaAddress.taAddress.Area.usArea), ADR(RecordConfig.tvaAddress.taAddress.Area.ulOffset)); // Get and set area offsets RecordConfig.tvaAddress.ulAddressFlags := TRACE_VAR_ADDRESS_FLAGS_IEC OR TRACE_VAR_ADDRESS_FLAGS_AREA_OFFSET; RecordConfig.ulGraphColor := 16#FF00FF00; // green RecordConfig.ulGraphType := 1; // Line with points IF (NOT fbTraceManager.AddRecord(RecordConfig := RecordConfig, hPacket := hPacket1, hRecord => hRecord1)) THEN xError := TRUE; END_IF xInit := FALSE; END_IF // Starts the recording IF xStart THEN IF (NOT fbTraceManager.StartPacket(hPacket := hPacket1)) THEN xError := TRUE; END_IF xStart := FALSE; END_IF // Stop the recording IF xStop THEN IF (NOT fbTraceManager.StopPacket(hPacket := hPacket1)) THEN xError := TRUE; END_IF xStop := FALSE; END_IF // Reset the recording IF xReset THEN IF (NOT fbTraceManager.ResetPacket(hPacket := hPacket1)) THEN xError := TRUE; END_IF xReset := FALSE; END_IF
Last updated: 2024-06-04
Post by caprez95 on Trace Restart Visuelement
Hello everyone. I've been struggling with the problem for a long time that I can't reset (restart) a trend (visual element). With the example I have now managed to control the trace recording via the CmpTraceMgr library. But how do I get this trace recording into a visual element? The code looks like this: // Configure trace IF xInit THEN // Create a trace packet PacketConfig.pszName := ADR('IECTraceConfiguration.Trace1'); // Name of trace PacketConfig.pszApplicationName := ADR('IECTraceConfiguration'); // Name of the application PacketConfig.pszIecTaskName := ADR('Task'); // Name of the task PacketConfig.pszComment := ADR('Demo packet'); PacketConfig.ulEveryNCycles := 1; PacketConfig.ulBufferEntries := 1000; PacketConfig.ulFlags := TRACE_PACKET_FLAGS.TRACE_PACKET_FLAGS_TIMESTAMP_MS AND TRACE_PACKET_FLAGS.TRACE_PACKET_FLAGS_AUTOSTART; IF (NOT fbTraceManager.CreatePacket(PacketConfig := PacketConfig, hPacket=>hPacket1)) THEN xError := TRUE; END_IF // Create a trace record RecordConfig.pszVariable := ADR('iSignal'); // This is the name of variable to record RecordConfig.tcClass := INT_TO_UDINT(TypeClass.TYPE_INT); // Type of the recording variable RecordConfig.ulSize := SIZEOF(iSignal); // Size of the recording variable pApp := AppFindApplicationByName('IECTraceConfiguration', 0); AppGetAreaOffsetByAddress(pApp, ADR(iSignal), ADR(RecordConfig.tvaAddress.taAddress.Area.usArea), ADR(RecordConfig.tvaAddress.taAddress.Area.ulOffset)); // Get and set area offsets RecordConfig.tvaAddress.ulAddressFlags := TRACE_VAR_ADDRESS_FLAGS_IEC OR TRACE_VAR_ADDRESS_FLAGS_AREA_OFFSET; RecordConfig.ulGraphColor := 16#FF00FF00; // green RecordConfig.ulGraphType := 1; // Line with points IF (NOT fbTraceManager.AddRecord(RecordConfig := RecordConfig, hPacket := hPacket1, hRecord => hRecord1)) THEN xError := TRUE; END_IF xInit := FALSE; END_IF // Starts the recording IF xStart THEN IF (NOT fbTraceManager.StartPacket(hPacket := hPacket1)) THEN xError := TRUE; END_IF xStart := FALSE; END_IF // Stop the recording IF xStop THEN IF (NOT fbTraceManager.StopPacket(hPacket := hPacket1)) THEN xError := TRUE; END_IF xStop := FALSE; END_IF // Reset the recording IF xReset THEN IF (NOT fbTraceManager.ResetPacket(hPacket := hPacket1)) THEN xError := TRUE; END_IF xReset := FALSE; END_IF
Last updated: 2024-06-04
Post by culius on JSON
Hey guys, I am trying to write a JSON. First time after login in PLC after download everthing works. But when I want to change values during runtime and try to recreate the JSON nothing happens. When forcing the xStart as an impulse i want to recreate it and see 2 as Key3 instead of 1 from the first run. Any Idea how to make this work? PROGRAM test VAR factory : JSON.JSONDataFactory; eDataFactoryError : JSON.FBF.ERROR; pJsonData : POINTER TO JSON.JSONData := factory.Create(eError => eDataFactoryError); fb_JBuilder : JSON.JSONBuilder; wsValue : WSTRING; diRootIndex, diObject1Index : DINT; iValue : INT; jsonArrayWriter : JSON.JSONByteArrayWriter; wsJsonData : WSTRING(1000); xFirst : BOOL := TRUE; END_VAR IF xFirst THEN fb_JBuilder(pJsonData := pJsonData, diRootObj => diRootIndex); wsValue := "Value1"; fb_JBuilder.SetKeyWithValue("Key1", wsValue, diParentIndex := diRootIndex); diObject1Index := fb_JBuilder.SetKeyWithObject("Key2", diParentIndex := diRootIndex); iValue := iValue + 1 ; // -----------!!! secound run should increment key3!!!!------------ fb_JBuilder.SetKeyWithValue("Key3", iValue, diParentIndex := diObject1Index); xFirst := FALSE; END_IF jsonArrayWriter(xExecute := TRUE, pwData := ADR(wsJsonData), udiSize := SIZEOF(wsJsonData), jsonData := pJsonData^, xAsyncMode := FALSE); Kind Regards
Last updated: 2024-04-30
To search for an exact phrase, put it in quotes. Example: "getting started docs"
To exclude a word or phrase, put a dash in front of it. Example: docs -help
To search on specific fields, use these field names instead of a general text search. You can group with AND
or OR