22 aug 2021: Migration


Migration to our new place on Forge has started since 2 aug. A monsterous endevour which consumes way more time then anticipated due to technical aspects. Luckily the unittesting solution has been migrated but Sparkplug B consumes way more effort.


The current bottleneck is a non willing SVN repository. We want to copy it from A to B with the entire history. Nothing special so you think, right?




Of course we have tried the normal way, the automatic import function for CODESYS Forge (Allura). It started nice with but after a while it hanged, now 10+ days or so! on [r561] :-(. This could be caused by several things, but for now, the end result is no full svn clone with history.

So we tried via a different rout, via Turtoise SVN.

The commandline interface is well documented so we found the correct commands and arguments within no time and we tried to remotely dump and restore the database. After a while, the turtoise svn clients closed erroneously with a '504 gateway timeout'. So we ran the dump command again which yielded again a 504 error after some time.

Then we tried to dump delta's. The first delta ran like a charm until it 504'ed. So we took that revision as an endpoint.Now we dumped at start (previous endpoint -1) to 504, and so on. After much tinkering, we found that the delta dumping first new startpoint calculation consumed loads of cpu on the server back end so that it too 504'ed after a while. Still, no svn clone

Stuff we tried Effect
Portal command Hangs, no feedback (504 gateway timeout?)
Turtoise SVN remote dump / restore After a while we get 504 'Gateway Timout'
Turtoise SVN remote delta dump / restore After a while we get 504 'Gateway Timout'
Turtoise SVN remote dump / restore with server arguments After a while we get 504 'Gateway Timout', arguments accepted but not executed (security?)
Posted by hermsen 2021-08-22

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