So today was not very productive.... I achieved NADA while waiting on my machine to plough through the SparkplugB library. This seriously takes away any fun I had. I am willing to postpone any ticket in favour of dividing the library into three parts.
1) a core, which contains any and all shared base components needed for 2) the edge library and 3) the primary host library.
So the biggest library will still be 1) stack or core
2) will reference 1) and build upon it, as 3) will reference 1.
I hope we don't use any references in 2) for components in 3) which would be BAD imho and will be dealt with if occurred. Steps needed to break up the library: Ian needs to finish his work or continue it in the core
Ideally version all three parts individually and not inter related.
The current SparkplugB version number of the main =, which will be used for the core library. Edge will be versioned on v1.4.0.0. Host will be versioned
This ticket has received high prio and will be picked up asap.