This is the Sparkplug Test Compatibility Kit (TCK) or test suite.
It is an independent third party provided compatibility kit to test our Edge Of Network and Device library against. Further details are found at
At least 2 FAILS seem on first glance QUICK fixes.
So, overall we think that we are on the right path but we also see room for improvements.
1) We assume that when no outcome has been printed, this test is not yet implemented.
2) The TCK is still a work in progress. So some of the results will be incorrect, some not.
test run by i-campbell 👌;
payloads-nbirth-timestamp: ; topics-dbirth-timestamp: PASS; topics-dbirth-mqtt: PASS; topics-nbirth-timestamp: ; payloads-dbirth-timestamp: PASS; edge-subscribe-dcmd: FAIL(Edge node should subscribe to DCMD level topics to ensure device targeted message from theprimary host application are delivered); message-flow-edge-node-birth-publish-subscribe: ; payloads-nbirth-bdseq: ; payloads-dbirth-qos: PASS; payloads-dbirth-seq: PASS; payloads-nbirth-rebirth-req: ; payloads-sequence-num-zero-nbirth: ; topics-nbirth-bdseq-included: ; topics-dbirth-seq: ; payloads-dbirth-order: ; payloads-nbirth-retain: ; topics-ndeath-seq: ; operational-behavior-data-commands-rebirth-value: ; payloads-ndeath-seq: ; payloads-ndeath-bdseq: ; principles-birth-certificates-order: ; payloads-nbirth-qos: ; principles-persistence-clean-session: FAIL (Clean session should be set to true.); topics-nbirth-mqtt: ; topics-nbirth-seq-num: ; payloads-ndeath-will-message: ; operational-behavior-data-commands-rebirth-datatype: ; payloads-nbirth-seq: ; edge-subscribe-ncmd: FAIL(Edge node should subscribe to NCMD level topics to ensure Edge node targeted message fromthe primary host application are delivered); payloads-dbirth-seq-inc: ; topics-nbirth-rebirth-metric: ; topics-ndeath-payload: ; payloads-ndeath-will-message-qos: FAIL (NDEATH message must have Qos set to 1); payloads-ndeath-will-message-retain: ; topics-nbirth-bdseq-matching: ; operational-behavior-data-commands-rebirth-name: ; payloads-dbirth-retain: PASS; OVERALL: FAIL; topics-ddata-timestamp: PASS; payloads-ddata-seq: PASS; payloads-ndata-seq: PASS; payloads-ddata-retain: PASS; topics-ddata-payload: PASS; payloads-ndata-timestamp: PASS; topics-ddata-mqtt: PASS; topics-ddata-seq-num: PASS; payloads-ndata-retain: PASS; payloads-ddata-qos: PASS; topics-ndata-seq-num: PASS; topics-ndata-timestamp: PASS; topics-ndata-payload: PASS; payloads-ddata-timestamp: PASS; payloads-ndata-qos: PASS; topics-ndata-mqtt: PASS; OVERALL: PASS; operational-behavior-data-commands-rebirth-action-1: FAIL; operational-behavior-data-commands-rebirth-action-3: ; operational-behavior-data-commands-rebirth-action-2: FAIL; OVERALL: FAIL;