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16 oct 2021: co🔗e: A Linked List Solution has been born! co⚡e: Sparkplug™ MQTT edge and host blog (Blog Post)
Splitting the library has yielded a new separate library! We proudly present! co🔗e: A Linked List Solution A free and open object oriented Linked lists solution. Linked Lists are especially suitable to implement simple, modular and powerful code with ease. #co🔗e: A Linked List Solution Tip Basicly the library contains a List FB and an Element FB with accompanying interfaces. The List can be instantiated directly but the Element need to be 1) extended or 2) implement the interface in a composition way. Our advice would be to choose option 2) composition, as that will give you the most flexibility in your software.
Last updated: 2021-10-30

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