/project Commit Log

Commit Date  
[707f6a] by hermsen hermsen

[#139] Check SeqNums of connected edges and devices and trigger a ReBirth;
removed FB_CheckSeq,
added FB_RemoteEdgeSeqChecker,
added IRemoteEdgeSeqChecker,
added CopyTopicParserContent.

2022-05-03 18:28:53 Tree
[b7862c] by hermsen hermsen

preparation for ticket #139 working towards integration of RemoteEdge SeqHandler

2022-04-08 20:32:26 Tree
[fba71e] by hermsen hermsen

Reworked FB_PrimaryMessageConsumer as a precursor for Ticket #139
Added several methods to clear up main body code

2022-04-04 12:00:04 Tree
[ee21e3] by i-campbell i-campbell

[#151] v1.3.0.7 Fixed Compiler warnings related to {attribute no-assign}

2022-04-01 22:14:46 Tree
[786bea] by i-campbell i-campbell

[#104] v1.3.0.6 Host now sends xCMDs with aliases

Each device and each edge decide on their own wether to use aliases or not during xBIRTH
If ANY metric in the birth does NOT have an alias, then UseAliases will be FALSE
Otherwise UseAliases will be TRUE

2022-04-01 15:09:53 Tree
[766552] by i-campbell i-campbell

[104] v1.3.0.5 FB_RemoteEdge and FB_RemoteDevice can now search metrics using aliases
Which is exactly what the two methods ProcessXDATA now do

2022-04-01 14:44:18 Tree
[9fbd90] by i-campbell i-campbell

[133] v1.3.0.4 Updated to use the new FBMetric ethods for processing payloads

2022-04-01 14:18:05 Tree
[4e24b4] by hermsen hermsen

Added Logging In GroupID and Primary Host

2022-01-09 17:57:20 Tree
[ea49a8] by i-campbell i-campbell

v1.3.0.1 Adapted calls to new method declarations of wstringbuilder

2021-10-29 20:29:39 Tree
[138c94] by hermsen hermsen

Fixed Default Placeholder behaviour in Library Manager

2021-10-22 16:46:44 Tree
[5264e2] by hermsen hermsen


>> Please uninstall SPHost from your library manager <<

new version v1.3.0.0

2021-10-22 13:55:55 Tree
[7fd83e] by hermsen hermsen

fixed a few namespace bugs
changed namespace into: SPHost
changed placeholder into: co⚡e Host

2021-10-18 18:26:14 Tree
[e38993] by i-campbell i-campbell

[#99] Separation of the library into multiple libraries

2021-10-17 14:23:40 Tree