/project/sparkplug™_mqtt_host_b9741afd/function_blocks_8ad6e219/fb_remoteedge_9577d5db/fb_remoteedge_c0d3796d/c0d3796d48694b849cfc2810ff81dc66.object Commit Log

Commit Date  
[786bea] (7.5 kB) by i-campbell i-campbell

[#104] v1.3.0.6 Host now sends xCMDs with aliases

Each device and each edge decide on their own wether to use aliases or not during xBIRTH
If ANY metric in the birth does NOT have an alias, then UseAliases will be FALSE
Otherwise UseAliases will be TRUE

2022-04-01 15:09:53 View
[e38993] (7.4 kB) by i-campbell i-campbell

[#99] Separation of the library into multiple libraries

2021-10-17 14:23:40 View