Svn Commit Log

Commit Date  
[r118] by aliazzz

deleted personal branch

2020-05-14 17:41:51 Tree
[r117] by i-campbell

Merged /branches/i-campbell [#11]

2020-05-13 21:01:44 Tree
[r116] by aliazzz
2020-05-13 19:38:13 Tree
[r115] by aliazzz

deleted branches/aliazzz/library

2020-05-13 19:37:11 Tree
[r114] by aliazzz

Deleted Aliazzz branch

2020-05-13 19:25:33 Tree
[r113] by i-campbell

Added Complete List of setters and getters for FB_Payload and its Children [#11]

2020-05-12 21:45:12 Tree
[r112] by i-campbell

Fixed some typos [#11]

2020-05-11 21:22:41 Tree
[r111] by i-campbell

Continuing FB_payload Set and Get Methods [#11]

2020-05-11 21:12:16 Tree
[r110] by i-campbell

Worked On MetricGetting for FB_Payload [#11]

2020-05-10 21:13:06 Tree
[r109] by aliazzz
2020-05-10 18:32:12 Tree
[r108] by aliazzz

Commit of debugged FB_EoN_State_Change

2020-05-10 18:31:27 Tree
[r107] by aliazzz

First Commit of unittest...

2020-05-09 22:25:44 Tree
[r106] by aliazzz
2020-05-09 09:45:39 Tree
[r105] by aliazzz

Upgraded to SP16
Using CfUnit v1.0.0.0

2020-05-08 12:16:01 Tree
[r104] by aliazzz

v0.0.0.4 => SP16

2020-05-08 12:06:43 Tree
[r103] by aliazzz

Trunk upgraded to SP16

2020-05-08 12:05:42 Tree
[r102] by i-campbell

FB_Payload. Started to fill out a skeleton for how to read the individual members of a payload [#11]

2020-05-06 05:54:44 Tree
[r101] by i-campbell

Merged trunk into my branch. Lots of errors, as the Payload Struct and PayloadMetric Struct were deprecated [#11]

2020-05-05 00:00:56 Tree
[r100] by i-campbell

Added all pool claimers, to be used by the children of a payload.

2020-05-04 22:40:36 Tree
[r99] by i-campbell

Added all encode / decode inputs to the FB calls of FB_Payload and children [#11]

2020-05-04 22:06:48 Tree
[r98] by i-campbell

Add all internal variables and structure initializations to FB_Payload and its children [#11]
Added all (currently blank) setup Methods to FB_Payload
Removed old structs.

2020-05-04 21:57:04 Tree
[r97] by i-campbell

FB_Payload. Started to fill out a skeleton for how to set the individual members of a payload [#11]

2020-05-03 22:59:06 Tree
[r96] by i-campbell

Started Encoding FB Payload #11

2020-05-03 01:02:58 Tree
[r95] by aliazzz

binary commit

2020-04-27 13:19:24 Tree
[r94] by aliazzz

Commit Trunk merge by Aliazzz:

Added Embedded Resource Digest Payload.txt
Added folders for various function blocks
Written various methods to an 80% version for FB_SparkplugB

2020-04-27 13:16:26 Tree
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