Svn Commit Log

Commit Date  
[r166] by i-campbell

Updated example project to point to latest sparkplugb library [#11]

2020-06-01 20:50:30 Tree
[r165] by i-campbell

Payload [#11]

2020-06-01 20:35:41 Tree
[r164] by aliazzz

update of personal branch with latest trunk part deux

2020-06-01 12:20:05 Tree
[r163] by aliazzz

Major update on FB_MQTT_PubSub with graphics

2020-06-01 08:39:20 Tree
[r162] by aliazzz

commit of binaries in personal branch

2020-05-31 21:53:07 Tree
[r161] by aliazzz

Fixed bug for STRING/WSTRING sizes, Pub/Sub now work as WSTRING Size in bytes is 2x normal stringsize.
(UTF8/16 2Byte/ch vs ASCII 1Byte/ch).
Timout is 60s, Ping is 15s.

2020-05-31 21:46:28 Tree
[r160] by aliazzz

commit of pubsub_debugging project

2020-05-30 23:07:29 Tree
[r159] by aliazzz

latest binary commit

2020-05-30 23:04:03 Tree
[r158] by aliazzz

GetMessage now also returns the topic of the posted message (should still be tested!)

2020-05-30 22:59:00 Tree
[r157] by aliazzz
2020-05-30 22:22:07 Tree
[r156] by aliazzz

bugfix visu and diag of subscriber

2020-05-30 22:19:24 Tree
[r155] by aliazzz

deleted textlist

2020-05-30 22:02:40 Tree
[r154] by aliazzz

Revised method implementations for FB_MQTT_PubSub
ClientDiag, PublisherDiag, SubscriberDiag
Added visualisations for FB_MQTT_PubSub

2020-05-30 22:02:00 Tree
[r153] by aliazzz

Revised method implementations for FB_MQTT_PubSub
ClientDiag, PublisherDiag, SubscriberDiag
Added visualisations for FB_MQTT_PubSub

2020-05-30 22:00:33 Tree
[r152] by aliazzz

Added MQTT_PubSub.GetDiag()

2020-05-26 20:57:52 Tree
[r151] by aliazzz

Binary of

2020-05-24 17:52:04 Tree
[r150] by aliazzz

Added mandatory logging to plc logger for every method....
=> SLOW, should add a DEBUG user pragma
=> pubsub.publish message should reset after an error on sending next message
=> pubsub.publish message is received by broker, message content is garbled, WHY?
=> pubsub.subscribe messagereceived should be debugged
=> pubsub.subscribe getmessage should be debugged

2020-05-24 17:49:49 Tree
[r149] by aliazzz

Binary of

2020-05-24 16:50:57 Tree
[r148] by aliazzz
2020-05-24 16:48:46 Tree
[r147] by aliazzz

ClientBusy(Private) // ready
ClientDone(Private) // ready
ClientError() // ready
Connect() // ready
Disconnect() // ready
InitialiseClient(Private) // ready
IsConnected() // ready
IsConnecting() // ready
SetBroker() // ready
SetLastWill() // => DEBUG/TEST
SetSessionCredentials() // => DEBUG/TEST
SetSessionTls() //=> DEBUG/TEST
GetConnectionState() // ready
Publish() // ready
PublisherBusy() // ready
PublisherDone() // ready
PublisherError() // ready
SetSubscriberBuffer => // !needs implementation!
IsMessageReceived() // TRUE if a message is ready to be digested
GetMessage() // Provides the message itself => DEBUG/TEST
Subscribe() // ready
SubscriberBusy() // ready
SubscriberDone() // ready
SubscriberError() // ready
Unsubscribe() // DEBUG/TEST

2020-05-24 16:47:26 Tree
[r146] by aliazzz

commit of binaries

2020-05-23 22:53:08 Tree
[r145] by aliazzz

=> building pubsub
=> pub mechanism ready
=> sub part under construction

2020-05-23 22:50:38 Tree
[r144] by aliazzz

=> building pubsub, pub part

2020-05-23 21:40:59 Tree
[r143] by aliazzz

MIT License

2020-05-19 16:49:50 Tree
[r142] by aliazzz

updated branches/aliazzz/mqttsparkplugb

2020-05-18 18:51:29 Tree
Older >