Svn Commit Log

Commit Date  
[r200] by i-campbell

copied changes from /branches/i-campell example.project [#34]

2020-06-28 15:04:53 Tree
[r199] by i-campbell

Split PayloadSimple into PayloadSimpleEncoder and PayloadSimpleDecoder, upped to V0.0.0.9 [#34]
Fixed some bugs with UTF8 encoding section

2020-06-28 14:59:29 Tree
[r198] by i-campbell

updated example with simpledecode [#34]

2020-06-28 14:56:35 Tree
[r197] by i-campbell

merged branches/i-campbell example.project to trunk [#11]

2020-06-27 17:55:28 Tree
[r196] by i-campbell

merging branches/i-campbell .library to trunk at version V0.0.0.8 [#11]

2020-06-27 17:50:31 Tree
[r195] by i-campbell

Now uses V0.0.0.8 of Sparkplug B with FB_PayloadSimple [#11]
updated FB_PayloadExample to work with the new MetricPool

2020-06-27 17:27:41 Tree
[r194] by i-campbell

MetricPool is now a COL.LinkedList, Added PayloadSimple and FB_SparkplugString, fixed UTF8 encoding [#11]

2020-06-27 17:25:33 Tree
[r193] by i-campbell

Fixed bug with FB_PayloadDataset.AddColumn(), which previously returned and outputted an ERROR [#11]
Now it only returns an ERROR

2020-06-27 11:51:50 Tree
[r192] by i-campbell

merged trunck changes from r190 to my branches/i-campbell

2020-06-27 11:41:17 Tree
[r191] by aliazzz

Payload first steps

2020-06-20 13:29:16 Tree
[r190] by aliazzz

cleaned/moved some stuff

2020-06-20 12:16:31 Tree
[r189] by i-campbell

merged branches/i-campbell example to trunk [#11]

2020-06-19 22:07:39 Tree
[r188] by i-campbell

Added Decode Section to example usage of Payload [#11]

2020-06-19 22:02:49 Tree
[r187] by i-campbell

Fixed bug with adding Keys or Columns [#11]

2020-06-19 22:00:17 Tree
[r186] by i-campbell

merged branches/i-campbell to trunk [#11]

2020-06-19 21:03:36 Tree
[r185] by i-campbell

Fixed bug with calculating array bounds [#11]

2020-06-19 20:55:47 Tree
[r184] by aliazzz

Updated unittest project,
Updated MQTT_PubSub Unittests,
Added two new MQTT_PubSub Unittests.

2020-06-19 19:53:10 Tree
[r183] by i-campbell

commited mqttsparkplugb.library file to trunk

2020-06-16 22:15:53 Tree
[r182] by i-campbell

Payload [#11]
Integration of /branches/i-campbell

2020-06-16 22:10:50 Tree
[r181] by i-campbell

InitializeStructure() is now internal to the FBPayload. only FB_Payload.InitializeStructuredPayload() need be called [#28]
- ClaimNextFree* now Initializes the object (and vis a vis, all Add*Blank)
- Checked all FB_Payload*.Set*Blank, and they correctly initialize the object

2020-06-16 21:07:00 Tree
[r180] by aliazzz

continued work on FB_EoN & FB_SparkplugB

2020-06-13 20:57:07 Tree
[r179] by aliazzz

update before new merge of trunk into this lib

2020-06-13 20:12:24 Tree
[r178] by i-campbell

Added Encode Functions for BinaryData, Double, Float and started encoding metrics. [#11]

2020-06-13 00:08:41 Tree
[r177] by i-campbell

removed todo about array sizes, made a decode UTF8 string [#11]

2020-06-12 21:20:03 Tree
[r176] by i-campbell

Completed Payload.EncodeNextString [#11]

2020-06-12 17:04:38 Tree
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