Diff of /trunk/SparkplugB/Templates/Behaviour Model/ETrigATlTo_Temp/CleanupAction/svnobj [000000] .. [r4]  Maximize  Restore

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+++ b/trunk/SparkplugB/Templates/Behaviour Model/ETrigATlTo_Temp/CleanupAction/svnobj
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{analysis -2} ”/// ``CleanupAction`` is running until one of the following events occurs:Š/// When ``xComplete`` is ``TRUE`` the state |STATE.DONE| is reached.Š/// When ``xAbort`` is ``TRUE`` the state |STATE.ABORTED| is reached.ˆ/// When ``iErrorID`` `" 0 (Zero) the state |STATE.ERROR| is reached.///ü/// | After a *Ready Condition* as input (``iErrorIDProposed`` = 0 and ``xAbortProposed`` = ``FALSE``), only the output states¨/// | `DONE` (``xComplete`` is ``TRUE``) or `ERROR` (``iErrorID`` `" 0) are possible.´/// | After a *Error Condition* as input (``iErrorIDProposed`` `" 0), only the output stateZ/// | `ERROR` (``iErrorID`` `" 0) is possible.À/// | After a *Abort Condition* as Input (``xAbortProposed`` = ``TRUE``), only the output states¨/// | `ABORTED` (``xAbort`` is ``TRUE``) or `ERROR` (``iErrorID`` `" 0) are possible.6/// .. admonition:: Example>///     .. code-block:: codesys///     `///         (* common cleanup -- first steps *) ///         :///         IF xComplete THENL///             IF xAbortProposed THEN †///                 (* abort condition -- abort specific cleanup *)!F///                 xAbort := TRUE;"N///                 xComplete := FALSE;#`///             ELSIF iErrorIDProposed <> 0 THEN$†///                 (* error condition -- error specific cleanup *)%ˆ///                 iErrorID := SEL(xComplete, 0, iErrorIDProposed);&(///             ELSE'‚///                 (* ready condition -- done specific cleanup*)(,///             END_IF)$///         END_IF*^///         (* common cleanup -- last steps *) +/// .. note::,˜///    If this method will not provide any implementation, please remove it!-.Interface/L{a9ed5b7e-75c5-4651-af16-d2c27e98cb94}0(METHOD CleanupAction1VAR_INPUT24    xAbortProposed : BOOL;34    iErrorIDProposed: INT;4END_VAR5VAR_OUTPUT6:    xComplete : BOOL := TRUE;7F    xAbort: BOOL := xAbortProposed;8J 	iErrorID : INT := iErrorIDProposed;ÐÐÐE)ÐÐ	
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