/trunk/mqttsparkplugb Commit Log

Commit Date  
[r469] by hermsen

Example extended with exponential timer prgram

2020-10-24 13:46:55 Tree
[r463] by i-campbell fixed bug in log message for NCMD

2020-10-18 21:37:46 Tree
[r461] by i-campbell

binary of trunk/library

2020-10-18 19:36:24 Tree
[r460] by i-campbell

Merging changes for unique client IDs
Reinstating fix to TLSHelpers

2020-10-18 19:26:45 Tree
[r458] by hermsen
2020-10-18 18:01:52 Tree
[r456] by hermsen
MANY MANY Changes !-)

2020-10-18 16:17:04 Tree
[r454] by i-campbell

trunk/example binary

2020-10-18 15:07:03 Tree
[r453] by i-campbell

trunk/Example expanded with TLS test scenarios
5: TLS without client certificate
6: TLS with client certificate. For convenience, it registers the Client certificate with the server for you.

2020-10-18 14:56:59 Tree
[r452] by i-campbell

trunk library binary

2020-10-18 14:50:51 Tree
[r451] by i-campbell

Fixed bug with GetClientCert

2020-10-18 14:48:40 Tree
[r449] by hermsen

Added libcat.xml

2020-10-17 17:40:00 Tree
[r448] by hermsen

binary commits of project and example

2020-10-15 23:51:46 Tree
[r447] by hermsen


Fixed many tickets among "NCMD/Rebirth"
EoN now reacts to a Rebirth command from Ignition.
Fixed Payload decoder issue's,
fixed EoN "State machine" to react to Rebirth command

2020-10-15 23:37:04 Tree
[r446] by hermsen

updated example for v0.9.1.0

2020-10-15 23:21:47 Tree
[r440] by hermsen

Commit of binary library to trunk

2020-10-15 09:22:05 Tree
[r439] by hermsen

Deleted binary library from trunk

2020-10-15 09:12:08 Tree
[r438] by aliazzz

Commit of binary library to trunk

2020-10-14 19:23:17 Tree
[r436] by hermsen

Fixed the connect / disconnect (?) => TEST this ;-)
The EoN now gracefully disconnects after a MQTT CLIENT ERROR happens

2020-10-14 18:55:11 Tree
[r429] by hermsen
Eon Enable moved to internal vars and initial value = TRUE
Added immutable log
Added project info for immutable log purpose
Added library info for immutable log purpose

2020-10-12 21:04:02 Tree
[r425] by hermsen

binary commit of:

2020-10-09 18:11:19 Tree
[r424] by hermsen

Revised EoN state machine
Improved MQTT Diagnosis feedback messages in sparkplug log (MQTTErrorToString)

-Debug the EoN for a correct behaviour when connect-disconnect-connect (statemachine works but
the underlying code needs some more debugging as expected)
-Immutable startup logging (lib version etc) is currently static(!) and gets filtered by the verbosefilter

2020-10-09 17:54:57 Tree
[r418] by hermsen

recommit of v0.9.0.1:
EoN statemachine heavily revised
SparkplugB Log with verbose filter (none, err, err_wrn, err_wrn_inf)
EoN connect functionality

2020-10-09 10:19:53 Tree
[r417] by hermsen

Binary commit of v0.9.0.1 EoN example:

2020-10-08 17:22:20 Tree
[r416] by hermsen

Updated example for v0.9.0.1
Connects with: hive.mq.com
user: <empty>
pw: <empty>

2020-10-08 17:14:46 Tree
[r415] by hermsen

Binary commit of v0.9.0.1 Beta MVP:

2020-10-08 16:20:26 Tree
Older >