/trunk/mqttsparkplugb Commit Log

Commit Date  
[r529] by hermsen

Various small updates on the example to test various scenario's

2020-11-11 20:01:35 Tree
[r526] by hermsen

Further xxample updates for Device testing

2020-11-09 21:00:22 Tree
[r524] by hermsen

Revamped for SparkPlugB v1.1.0.1
Contains EoN Data &
Contains Device Data

2020-11-08 18:44:35 Tree
[r523] by hermsen

binary commits of library and example v1.1.0.0

2020-11-07 18:46:43 Tree
[r522] by hermsen

revised example project for v1.1.0.0 with devices

2020-11-07 18:24:24 Tree
[r521] by hermsen

v1.1.0.0 Device Integration added into Trunk

FB_Device with corresponding binding methods,
Added Device binding code into FB_Edge_Of_Network_Node,
ISparkplugDevice (device binding Interface),
ISparkplugDeviceProtocol (device binding Interface)

2020-11-07 18:17:23 Tree
[r516] by hermsen

Added many new skeleton tests based on SparkplugB v1.0.0.0

2020-11-05 20:03:19 Tree
[r502] by i-campbell

binary library trunk

2020-10-31 00:00:16 Tree
[r501] by i-campbell

Removed AliasMap and Metric, which were not used
Added units to the time parameters of FB_EoN

2020-10-30 23:49:40 Tree
[r500] by hermsen

commit of binary example v1.0.0.0

2020-10-30 21:40:05 Tree
[r499] by hermsen

Commit of Example for lib v1.0.0.0

2020-10-30 21:33:28 Tree
[r498] by hermsen

commit of binary libray v1.0.0.0 update

2020-10-30 21:10:00 Tree
[r497] by i-campbell

binary library trunk

2020-10-30 20:22:50 Tree
[r496] by i-campbell

got rid of lib params, replaced with global variable

2020-10-30 20:20:30 Tree
[r495] by hermsen

commit of binary libray v1.0.0.0 update

2020-10-30 19:59:10 Tree
[r494] by hermsen

EoN updated GetConnectionState to be private and exposed it as a classic output

2020-10-30 19:56:46 Tree
[r493] by hermsen

commit of binary libray v1.0.0.0

2020-10-30 19:39:31 Tree
[r492] by hermsen

Deleted Embedded Resources
Updated some comments

2020-10-30 19:33:28 Tree
[r489] by i-campbell

commit binary example

2020-10-26 19:23:31 Tree
[r488] by i-campbell

fixed typo in comments, where I missed the key word cert-gendhparams

2020-10-26 19:22:51 Tree
[r487] by i-campbell

binary commit of lib + example + unittest in trunk

2020-10-25 19:23:31 Tree
[r486] by i-campbell

merging unittest from /branches/i-campbell/

2020-10-25 19:21:05 Tree
[r485] by i-campbell

merging example project from branches/i-campbell/

2020-10-25 19:16:48 Tree
[r484] by i-campbell

v0.9.9.7 from branches/i-cambell/ to trunk

2020-10-25 19:13:57 Tree
[r477] by i-campbell

binary example and lib for trunk

2020-10-24 22:26:03 Tree
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