/trunk/mqttsparkplugb/mqttsparkplugb/SparkplugB/Functions/MQTTErrorToString Commit Log

Commit Date  
[r484] by i-campbell

v0.9.9.7 from branches/i-cambell/ to trunk

2020-10-25 19:13:57 Tree
[r447] by hermsen


Fixed many tickets among "NCMD/Rebirth"
EoN now reacts to a Rebirth command from Ignition.
Fixed Payload decoder issue's,
fixed EoN "State machine" to react to Rebirth command

2020-10-15 23:37:04 Tree
[r424] by hermsen

Revised EoN state machine
Improved MQTT Diagnosis feedback messages in sparkplug log (MQTTErrorToString)

-Debug the EoN for a correct behaviour when connect-disconnect-connect (statemachine works but
the underlying code needs some more debugging as expected)
-Immutable startup logging (lib version etc) is currently static(!) and gets filtered by the verbosefilter

2020-10-09 17:54:57 Tree