/branches/h-hermsen/mqttsparkplugb/Project Information_1/GetVersionProperty Commit Log

Commit Date  
[r537] by hermsen

v1.1.0.5 Device ith may tweaks but still no working SeqNum for DDATA...

> Encoder init separated from .addSeq (!)
> Some EoN methods moved to Functions
> EoN notifies Device when to Publish
> GC_SparkplugB Global Constants list

2020-11-16 21:35:16 Tree
[r535] by hermsen

Branch of Trunk

Device V1.1.0.1

* Check publishing DBIRTH Topic SeqNum (should be working)
* Check publish DDATA SeqNum (triggers REBIRTH, not correct yet)
* Publish DDEATH of a Device when occurs

2020-11-15 13:44:20 Tree