/trunk/mqttsparkplugb/mqttsparkplugb/Project Information_1/GetTextProperty2 Commit Log

Commit Date  
[r539] by i-campbell

[#11] Added 8 encode objects to Payload

2020-11-16 22:43:57 Tree
[r538] by i-campbell

[#11] completed 12 boxes of decode Payload
Also fixed bug with MetaData STRUCT, where size and seq were WSTRINGs, now ULINTs

2020-11-16 22:04:10 Tree
[r530] by hermsen

Device V1.1.0.1

* Check publishing DBIRTH Topic SeqNum (should be working)
* Check publish DDATA SeqNum (triggers REBIRTH, not correct yet)
* Publish DDEATH of a Device when occurs

Various methods of the EoN are rewritten into standalone Functions as devices and EoN share these (following DRY principle)

2020-11-15 13:05:29 Tree
[r521] by hermsen

v1.1.0.0 Device Integration added into Trunk

FB_Device with corresponding binding methods,
Added Device binding code into FB_Edge_Of_Network_Node,
ISparkplugDevice (device binding Interface),
ISparkplugDeviceProtocol (device binding Interface)

2020-11-07 18:17:23 Tree
[r494] by hermsen

EoN updated GetConnectionState to be private and exposed it as a classic output

2020-10-30 19:56:46 Tree
[r492] by hermsen

Deleted Embedded Resources
Updated some comments

2020-10-30 19:33:28 Tree
[r484] by i-campbell

v0.9.9.7 from branches/i-cambell/ to trunk

2020-10-25 19:13:57 Tree
[r476] by i-campbell

v0.9.9.6 Fixed bugs in exponential reconnecting of FB_EoN Node
- it now issues a NBIRTH if it reconnects
- it now logs some better times for reconnecting
- it now is not as dependent on a 250ms cycle time for logging reconnect timers.

2020-10-24 22:22:57 Tree
[r471] by hermsen

Exponential Backoff Timer Implemented

2020-10-24 16:16:13 Tree
[r463] by i-campbell fixed bug in log message for NCMD

2020-10-18 21:37:46 Tree
[r460] by i-campbell

Merging changes for unique client IDs
Reinstating fix to TLSHelpers

2020-10-18 19:26:45 Tree
[r456] by hermsen
MANY MANY Changes !-)

2020-10-18 16:17:04 Tree
[r447] by hermsen


Fixed many tickets among "NCMD/Rebirth"
EoN now reacts to a Rebirth command from Ignition.
Fixed Payload decoder issue's,
fixed EoN "State machine" to react to Rebirth command

2020-10-15 23:37:04 Tree
[r436] by hermsen

Fixed the connect / disconnect (?) => TEST this ;-)
The EoN now gracefully disconnects after a MQTT CLIENT ERROR happens

2020-10-14 18:55:11 Tree
[r429] by hermsen
Eon Enable moved to internal vars and initial value = TRUE
Added immutable log
Added project info for immutable log purpose
Added library info for immutable log purpose

2020-10-12 21:04:02 Tree