/trunk/mqttsparkplugb/mqttsparkplugb-example/Device_1 Commit Log

Commit Date  
[r543] by hermsen

v1.1.0.10 Example for Devices with correct DDATA publishing

2020-11-21 18:19:15 Tree
[r531] by hermsen

Various small updates on the example to test various scenario's

2020-11-15 13:18:53 Tree
[r529] by hermsen

Various small updates on the example to test various scenario's

2020-11-11 20:01:35 Tree
[r526] by hermsen

Further xxample updates for Device testing

2020-11-09 21:00:22 Tree
[r524] by hermsen

Revamped for SparkPlugB v1.1.0.1
Contains EoN Data &
Contains Device Data

2020-11-08 18:44:35 Tree
[r522] by hermsen

revised example project for v1.1.0.0 with devices

2020-11-07 18:24:24 Tree