/branches/h-hermsen Commit Log

Commit Date  
[r701] by hermsen
revised project information
stweep entire project
upmerged with trunk for better merging with trunk

2021-01-31 18:14:22 Tree
[r700] by hermsen

Copy (Branch) of Trunk v1401

2021-01-30 17:49:33 Tree
[r691] by hermsen

first working beta of FB_PrimaryHost

2021-01-24 16:19:01 Tree
[r690] by hermsen

added CFC PrimaryHost Example -> Edge will be rewritten in CFC too

2021-01-24 15:57:53 Tree
[r689] by hermsen
2021-01-23 22:09:34 Tree
[r688] by hermsen

updated example for a Primary Host Example

2021-01-23 22:07:31 Tree
[r686] by hermsen
2021-01-23 13:41:52 Tree
[r685] by hermsen

first commit of single publisher primary host
All redundant subscribers removed and replaced for a single one

2021-01-23 13:19:24 Tree
[r684] by hermsen

Start of single subscriber PrimaryHost

2021-01-23 11:49:03 Tree
[r683] by hermsen

seperate branch head of primaryhost multisubscriber code

2021-01-23 11:45:35 Tree
[r682] by hermsen

deleted entire working branch just because

2021-01-23 11:19:56 Tree
[r678] by hermsen


part 2 of FB_PrimaryHostMQTT
implementing various Subscribers

2021-01-17 18:41:42 Tree
[r677] by hermsen


part 1 of FB_PrimaryHostMQTT
implementing various Subscribers

2021-01-17 16:57:14 Tree
[r676] by hermsen


reSTweep entire project

FB_PrimaryHost various

2021-01-17 15:57:09 Tree
[r675] by hermsen

Succesful Full STWeeped version (may still contain stuff that could be STWeeped better)

2021-01-16 18:21:38 Tree
[r674] by hermsen

FB_PrimaryHost skeleton continued

2021-01-16 15:23:51 Tree
[r673] by hermsen

FB_PrimaryHost skeleton continued

2021-01-16 10:51:50 Tree
[r672] by hermsen

Refactored FB_PrimaryHostTopicProvider

2021-01-15 20:15:16 Tree
[r671] by hermsen

Refactored various TopicProviders with FB_WStringBuilder

2021-01-15 19:33:52 Tree
[r670] by hermsen

Added FB_WStringBuilder

2021-01-15 17:56:15 Tree
[r665] by hermsen

FB_PrimaryHost skeleton continued

2021-01-12 18:44:46 Tree
[r664] by hermsen

branch v1.3.4.1

Updated naming conventions of all FB's i n order to get the more self explaining

2021-01-09 23:31:38 Tree
[r663] by hermsen


Contains skeleton code for FB_PrimaryNode and a few helper methods

2021-01-05 18:57:47 Tree
[r662] by hermsen

Commit of branch application v1.3.3.5
For test with TLSContextProvider

2021-01-01 22:24:52 Tree
[r659] by hermsen

Commit of branch v1.3.3.5

Cleaned up log feedback messages in general
Moved printing of library Header out of EoN to seperate entity
Improved EoN diagnosis logging

Added DBIRTH, DDATA, DDEATH step entry continous and exit methods for non blocking publishing
Several bugfixes for when a device get unplugged during runtime.

2020-12-30 21:01:59 Tree
Older >