Tree [r776] / branches / FeatureBranches / refactorpayload / SparkplugB / Function Blocks /

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File Date Author Commit
 CmpSparkplugLog_1 2021-02-12 i-campbell [r756] Merging PrimaryHost feature branch into trunk.
 FB_Device 2021-02-12 i-campbell [r756] Merging PrimaryHost feature branch into trunk.
 FB_Edge 2021-02-19 hermsen [r775] trunk upmerged into this feature branch
 FB_ExponentialBackoffTimer 2021-02-12 i-campbell [r756] Merging PrimaryHost feature branch into trunk.
 FB_GroupID 2021-02-12 i-campbell [r756] Merging PrimaryHost feature branch into trunk.
 FB_PayloadSimple 2021-02-12 i-campbell [r758] Payload Refactor [#102]
 FB_Payload_1 2021-02-19 hermsen [r776] Commit of refactorpayload v1.4.1.0 -> commecing...
 FB_PrimaryHost 2021-02-19 hermsen [r776] Commit of refactorpayload v1.4.1.0 -> commecing...
 FB_RemoteDevice 2021-02-12 i-campbell [r756] Merging PrimaryHost feature branch into trunk.
 FB_RemoteEdge 2021-02-12 i-campbell [r756] Merging PrimaryHost feature branch into trunk.
 FB_RemoteMetric 2021-02-12 i-campbell [r756] Merging PrimaryHost feature branch into trunk.
 FB_SparkplugBSimple 2021-02-12 i-campbell [r758] Payload Refactor [#102]
 FB_WStringBuilder 2021-02-12 i-campbell [r756] Merging PrimaryHost feature branch into trunk.
 SimpleValues 2021-02-12 i-campbell [r756] Merging PrimaryHost feature branch into trunk.
 TLSHelpers 2021-02-12 i-campbell [r756] Merging PrimaryHost feature branch into trunk.
 svnobj 2020-08-22 aliazzz [r300] Import fresh branch copy for aliazzz mqttsparkp...