/branches/FeatureBranches/PrimaryHost/SparkplugB Commit Log

Commit Date  
[r791] by hermsen

Restored r786 (v1.4.0.10) for this feature branch as HEAD

2021-02-25 22:30:18 Tree
[r790] by hermsen

Restored r786 (v1.4.0.10) for this feature branch as HEAD

2021-02-25 22:05:11 Tree
[r788] by hermsen

v1.4.0.15 (work in progress)
updated FeatureBranch separation of logging into three categories;

2021-02-23 22:30:50 Tree
[r786] by hermsen

Function "Update" replaces large chunks of gluelogic in ProcessNBIRTH

2021-02-23 18:53:03 Tree
[r784] by hermsen

Added Timestamp to FB_RemoteMetric
Added filling of timestamp in ProcessNBIRTH

TODO: refactor stuff from ProcessNBIRTH into a generic FUNCTION i.e. DRY

2021-02-22 21:18:11 Tree
[r782] by i-campbell

primaryhost NBIRTH now correctly sets the datatype of the remoteMetric

2021-02-20 23:31:02 Tree
[r781] by i-campbell

primaryhost: NBIRTHs should now set the value of the metrics

2021-02-20 23:03:58 Tree
[r780] by i-campbell

branch primaryhost from trunk

2021-02-20 21:37:36 Tree