/trunk/mqttsparkplug Commit Log

Commit Date  
[r802] by hermsen

updated example to v1.4.0.11

2021-02-28 19:57:20 Tree
[r800] by hermsen
Refactored method "onSubscribeMessage" contents to the main body for easier debugging
FB_PrimaryHost claims and initialises metrics from NBIRTH certificates
and now also updates these metrics with data found in NDATA payloads.

2021-02-28 19:21:51 Tree
[r792] by hermsen

Added Timestamp to FB_RemoteMetric
Added filling of timestamp in ProcessNBIRTH
Added Update function in ProcessNBIRTH

Should act as a basis for next PrimaryHost extension i.e. ProcessNDATA / ProcessDBIRTH / ProcessDDATA

2021-02-25 22:36:11 Tree
[r773] by hermsen (!)
FB_Edge now implements FB_NodeControl which tells the Primary host which commands the Edge Node supports;
* Reboot = FALSE
* Rebirth = TRUE
* NextServer = FALSE (will be supported in a future release *)

2021-02-18 20:51:33 Tree
[r770] by hermsen

small update on example

2021-02-16 17:32:53 Tree
[r769] by i-campbell

v1.4.0.9 fixed ARM bug accessing unaligned REALs and LREALs from the Payload

2021-02-15 21:44:13 Tree
[r768] by hermsen

added Test_ReplaceIllegalCharsWithUnderscore function test

2021-02-14 14:12:51 Tree
[r766] by hermsen

added listcomposer function test

2021-02-14 13:49:08 Tree
[r764] by hermsen

Totally refactored the unittest in preparation for sparkplug library v2.0.0.0

2021-02-14 12:59:21 Tree
[r756] by i-campbell

Merging PrimaryHost feature branch into trunk.

2021-02-12 19:10:07 Tree
[r728] by i-campbell

removed the letter 'b' from the example binary in trunk

2021-02-06 16:26:10 Tree
[r724] by hermsen

library and example binary for v1.4.0.5

2021-02-06 00:14:18 Tree
[r723] by hermsen

removed v1.4.0.4

2021-02-06 00:10:51 Tree
[r722] by hermsen


FB_PrimaryHost now detects the GroupID and the EdgeID, it is now ready for NBIRTH's /DBIRTH's

2021-02-05 23:19:02 Tree
[r721] by hermsen

Example updated and branched to the new trunk directory without a b!
Contains example for v1.4.0.5 2 edges and 1 primaryhost

2021-02-05 23:08:16 Tree
[r716] by i-campbell

v1.4.0.4 binary commit of trunk library

2021-02-05 12:55:14 Tree
[r715] by i-campbell

v1.4.0.4 fixed PrimaryHost Client ID

2021-02-05 12:53:36 Tree
[r713] by i-campbell

v1.4.0.3 binary commit of trunk library

2021-02-03 20:54:32 Tree
[r712] by i-campbell

v1.4.0.3 added FB_TopicParser in trunk

2021-02-03 20:43:27 Tree
[r703] by hermsen

Binary commit of Trunk Library v1.4.0.2
revised project information with new libcat
stweep entire project

2021-01-31 18:45:05 Tree
[r702] by hermsen

trunk v1.4.0.2
revised project information
stweep entire project

2021-01-31 18:29:16 Tree
[r697] by i-campbell

v1.4.0.1 trunked

2021-01-25 22:00:07 Tree
[r696] by i-campbell

Created directory /trunk/mqttsparkplug/

2021-01-25 21:57:47 Tree