/branches/FeatureBranches/refactorpayload/Library Information/GetLibVersion Commit Log

Commit Date  
[r814] by i-campbell

upmerged trunk into branches/refactorpayload

2021-03-07 14:59:34 Tree
[r776] by hermsen

Commit of refactorpayload v1.4.1.0 -> commecing implementation of fb_factories

2021-02-19 22:47:34 Tree
[r775] by hermsen trunk upmerged into this feature branch
FB_Edge now implements FB_NodeControl which tells the Primary host which commands the Edge Node supports;
* Reboot = FALSE
* Rebirth = TRUE
* NextServer = FALSE (will be supported in a future release *)

2021-02-19 21:39:18 Tree
[r757] by i-campbell

Craeted Feature branch for Refactor Payload

2021-02-12 19:14:16 Tree