/branches/FeatureBranches Commit Log

Commit Date  
[r815] by i-campbell

Branch: refactorpayload. progress towards [#102]
removing the SimpleValues/FB_Sparkplug* and replacing with FB_RemoteMetric

2021-03-07 16:55:40 Tree
[r814] by i-campbell

upmerged trunk into branches/refactorpayload

2021-03-07 14:59:34 Tree
[r813] by hermsen

PrimaryHost fresh copy from trunk v1.4.0.13

2021-03-06 12:38:26 Tree
[r812] by hermsen

sunk primaryhost in order to start fresh from trunk (upmerge went south bad)

2021-03-06 12:35:36 Tree
[r808] by i-campbell

Branch: PrimaryHost v1.4.0.13 Implemented PrimaryHost DBIRTH/DDATA/DDEATH

2021-03-05 22:10:33 Tree
[r804] by hermsen

Example update for v1.4.0.12

2021-03-02 20:36:40 Tree
[r803] by hermsen

NDEATH sets the Remote Edge to Not OK,
every edge metric to stale,
every child device to Not OK and
every child metric of that device to stale.

Added Property RemoteEdge.QualityOK and RemoteDevice.QualityOK
Added Method SetAllMetricsStatus(NewStatus)

2021-03-02 20:32:44 Tree
[r801] by hermsen

accomodates NBIRTH / NDATA / DBIRTH / DDATA testing

2021-02-28 19:25:44 Tree
[r799] by hermsen

FB_PrimaryHost now updates NBIRTH and NDATA

2021-02-28 18:44:12 Tree
[r798] by hermsen

Refactored FB_PrimaryHost main body code

2021-02-28 18:01:48 Tree
[r797] by hermsen

Several changes to PrimaryHos, started to flesh out methods for xBIRTH, work in progress

2021-02-28 12:28:08 Tree
[r796] by hermsen

Further debugging for DBIRTH / OnSubscribeMessage

2021-02-26 23:04:49 Tree
[r795] by hermsen

Extended branch example to accomodate reading of Device DBIRTH / DDATA

2021-02-26 23:03:31 Tree
[r794] by hermsen

current trunk as basis for refactoring of debuglogging

2021-02-26 09:49:50 Tree
[r793] by hermsen

Sunk as an upmerge with trunk is a dead end...

2021-02-26 09:32:32 Tree
[r791] by hermsen

Restored r786 (v1.4.0.10) for this feature branch as HEAD

2021-02-25 22:30:18 Tree
[r790] by hermsen

Restored r786 (v1.4.0.10) for this feature branch as HEAD

2021-02-25 22:05:11 Tree
[r789] by hermsen

base for use with refactoring of the entire debuglogging

2021-02-25 07:13:15 Tree
[r788] by hermsen

v1.4.0.15 (work in progress)
updated FeatureBranch separation of logging into three categories;

2021-02-23 22:30:50 Tree
[r787] by hermsen

updated example for FeatureBranch v1.4.0.15 (work in progress)

2021-02-23 22:29:15 Tree
[r786] by hermsen

Function "Update" replaces large chunks of gluelogic in ProcessNBIRTH

2021-02-23 18:53:03 Tree
[r785] by hermsen

Updated Primaryhost Example with Timestamps and WSTRING

2021-02-22 21:22:48 Tree
[r784] by hermsen

Added Timestamp to FB_RemoteMetric
Added filling of timestamp in ProcessNBIRTH

TODO: refactor stuff from ProcessNBIRTH into a generic FUNCTION i.e. DRY

2021-02-22 21:18:11 Tree
[r783] by i-campbell

branch primaryhostexample: Updated PrimaryHosst.Metric.Value to Metric.<SparkplugType>
Compiler version of application to

2021-02-22 15:59:46 Tree
[r782] by i-campbell

primaryhost NBIRTH now correctly sets the datatype of the remoteMetric

2021-02-20 23:31:02 Tree
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