/trunk/mqttsparkplug Commit Log

Commit Date  
[r811] by hermsen

binary commit of library v1.4.0.13

2021-03-06 12:26:28 Tree
[r810] by hermsen

Adds PrimaryHost ability to parse DBIRTH, DDATA, DDEATH ertificates and payloads

2021-03-06 12:18:16 Tree
[r807] by i-campbell

Uploaded binaries of library and example project to trunk

2021-03-05 09:03:07 Tree
[r805] by hermsen

NDEATH sets the Remote Edge to Not OK,
every edge metric to stale,
every child device to Not OK and
every child metric of that device to stale.

Added Property RemoteEdge.QualityOK and RemoteDevice.QualityOK
Added Method SetAllMetricsStatus(NewStatus)

2021-03-02 20:51:58 Tree
[r802] by hermsen

updated example to v1.4.0.11

2021-02-28 19:57:20 Tree
[r800] by hermsen
Refactored method "onSubscribeMessage" contents to the main body for easier debugging
FB_PrimaryHost claims and initialises metrics from NBIRTH certificates
and now also updates these metrics with data found in NDATA payloads.

2021-02-28 19:21:51 Tree
[r792] by hermsen

Added Timestamp to FB_RemoteMetric
Added filling of timestamp in ProcessNBIRTH
Added Update function in ProcessNBIRTH

Should act as a basis for next PrimaryHost extension i.e. ProcessNDATA / ProcessDBIRTH / ProcessDDATA

2021-02-25 22:36:11 Tree
[r773] by hermsen (!)
FB_Edge now implements FB_NodeControl which tells the Primary host which commands the Edge Node supports;
* Reboot = FALSE
* Rebirth = TRUE
* NextServer = FALSE (will be supported in a future release *)

2021-02-18 20:51:33 Tree
[r770] by hermsen

small update on example

2021-02-16 17:32:53 Tree
[r769] by i-campbell

v1.4.0.9 fixed ARM bug accessing unaligned REALs and LREALs from the Payload

2021-02-15 21:44:13 Tree
[r768] by hermsen

added Test_ReplaceIllegalCharsWithUnderscore function test

2021-02-14 14:12:51 Tree
[r766] by hermsen

added listcomposer function test

2021-02-14 13:49:08 Tree
[r764] by hermsen

Totally refactored the unittest in preparation for sparkplug library v2.0.0.0

2021-02-14 12:59:21 Tree
[r756] by i-campbell

Merging PrimaryHost feature branch into trunk.

2021-02-12 19:10:07 Tree
[r728] by i-campbell

removed the letter 'b' from the example binary in trunk

2021-02-06 16:26:10 Tree
[r724] by hermsen

library and example binary for v1.4.0.5

2021-02-06 00:14:18 Tree
[r723] by hermsen

removed v1.4.0.4

2021-02-06 00:10:51 Tree
[r722] by hermsen


FB_PrimaryHost now detects the GroupID and the EdgeID, it is now ready for NBIRTH's /DBIRTH's

2021-02-05 23:19:02 Tree
[r721] by hermsen

Example updated and branched to the new trunk directory without a b!
Contains example for v1.4.0.5 2 edges and 1 primaryhost

2021-02-05 23:08:16 Tree
[r716] by i-campbell

v1.4.0.4 binary commit of trunk library

2021-02-05 12:55:14 Tree
[r715] by i-campbell

v1.4.0.4 fixed PrimaryHost Client ID

2021-02-05 12:53:36 Tree
[r713] by i-campbell

v1.4.0.3 binary commit of trunk library

2021-02-03 20:54:32 Tree
[r712] by i-campbell

v1.4.0.3 added FB_TopicParser in trunk

2021-02-03 20:43:27 Tree
[r703] by hermsen

Binary commit of Trunk Library v1.4.0.2
revised project information with new libcat
stweep entire project

2021-01-31 18:45:05 Tree
[r702] by hermsen

trunk v1.4.0.2
revised project information
stweep entire project

2021-01-31 18:29:16 Tree
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