Diff of /STRUCTURE.MD [r822] .. [r823]  Maximize  Restore

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@@ -1,20 +1,17 @@
-ROOT										# svn repo
-	branches/								# contains any working branches/
-	tags/									# public released tags/
-		v1.0.0.0
-		v1.3.3.0
-	trunk/									# contains the main trucnk of the code
-		mqttsparkplugb/						# old trunk code
-			package.manifest									
-			mqttsparkplugb/					# svn repo
-			unittest/						# svn repo 
-			mqttsparkplugb-example/			# svn repo
-			mqttsparkplugb.library
-			unittest.project
-			mqttsparkplugb-example.project  
-		mqttsparkplug/						# new migrated trunk code
-		www/								# www files 
-	.drone.yml
-	license.txt
\ No newline at end of file
+|   \---FeatureBranches						-> New features under development
+|       +---Debuglogging
+|       +---PrimaryHost
+|       +---PrimaryHostExample
+|       +---refactorpayload
++---tags									-> Contain public releases
+|   +---v1.0.0.0
+|   \---v1.3.3.0
+\---trunk									-> Contain the trunk (basis) of the code as SVN repo and binaries
+    +---mqttsparkplug
+    |   +---mqttsparkplug
+    |   +---mqttsparkplug-example
+    |   \---mqttsparkplug-unittest
+    \---www									-> Contains artefacts for www
+        +---adding-to-existing-project
+        \---setup-test-system
\ No newline at end of file