Diff of /trunk/mqttsparkplug/mqttsparkplug/SparkplugB/Function Blocks/FB_Device/FB_Device_1/DBIRTH/PublishDBIRTHEntry/svnobj [r851] .. [r852]  Maximize  Restore

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--- a/trunk/mqttsparkplug/mqttsparkplug/SparkplugB/Function Blocks/FB_Device/FB_Device_1/DBIRTH/PublishDBIRTHEntry/svnobj
+++ b/trunk/mqttsparkplug/mqttsparkplug/SparkplugB/Function Blocks/FB_Device/FB_Device_1/DBIRTH/PublishDBIRTHEntry/svnobj
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
+Gx_lé!0…jüo º#Ê*!î)
 System.StringL{f8a58466-d7f6-439f-bbb8-d4600e41d099}ImplementationL{3b83b776-fb25-43b8-99f2-3c507c9143fc}TextDocumentL{f3878285-8e4f-490b-bb1b-9acbb7eb04db}TextLinesL{a5de0b0b-1cb5-4913-ac21-9d70293ec00d}	Id
-longTagText
8PublishDBIRTHEntry := FALSE;–DBIRTHError        := _SparkplugB.GetDeviceBirthCertificate( pEoN := _pEoN,À                                                             AllMetricsList := AllMetricsList );JIF DBIRTHError <> ERROR.NO_ERROR THENT    WriteDeviceLog( gc_sparkplug.CMP_EDGE,\                    CmpLog.LogClass.LOG_ERROR,^                    'Publish DBIRTH Error: %s',^                    TO_STRING( DBIRTHError ) );    RETURN;END_IFJ_SparkplugB.Encode( Enable := TRUE );REPEATh    _SparkplugB( AllmetricsList := AllMetricsList );Œ    EncodeError := _SparkplugB.EncodeError( eError => Encode_eError );R    EncodeDone  := _SparkplugB.Encoded();>UNTIL EncodeDone OR EncodeErrorEND_REPEAT;L_SparkplugB.Encode( Enable := FALSE ); &IF EncodeError THEN!`                    'Encoding DBIRTH Error: %s',"b                    TO_STRING( Encode_eError ) );#F// now retrieve the serialised blob$T_SparkplugB.GetEncodedBlob( Blob := _Blob,%h                            BlobSize := _BlobSize );&0_MQTT.EnablePublisher();'BPublishDBIRTHEntry := EncodeDone;(Interface)L{a9ed5b7e-75c5-4651-af16-d2c27e98cb94}*(*+Ô    The DBIRTH is responsible for informing the backend system of all of the information about the device.,Œ    This includes every metric it will publish data for in the future.-œ    The following is a representation of a simple DBIRTH message on the topic:.€        spBv1.0/Sparkplug"!B Devices/DBIRTH/Raspberry Pi/Pibrella/Æ    In the topic above the following information is known based on the Sparkplug"! topic definition:0    1„        "    The  Group ID  of this device is: Sparkplug"! B Devices2„        "    The host  EoN node ID  of this device is: Raspberry Pi3P        "    The  Device ID  is: Pibrella4j        "    This is an DBIRTH message from the device5*)6${attribute 'hide'}7@METHOD PublishDBIRTHEntry : BOOL8VAR_IN_OUT94    AllMetricsList : LIST;:END_VAR;VAR_OUTPUT<D    EncodeError   : BOOL := FALSE;=4    Encode_eError : ERROR;>VAR_STAT?0    DBIRTHError : ERROR;@4    DBIRTHTopic : WSTRING;A@    EncodeDone  : BOOL := FALSE;B@    PublishDone : BOOL := FALSE;ÐÐÐE#ÐÐ	
+longTagText
8PublishDBIRTHEntry := FALSE;–DBIRTHError        := _SparkplugB.GetDeviceBirthCertificate( pEoN := _pEoN,À                                                             AllMetricsList := AllMetricsList );JIF DBIRTHError <> ERROR.NO_ERROR THENT    WriteDeviceLog( gc_sparkplug.CMP_EDGE,\                    CmpLog.LogClass.LOG_ERROR,^                    'Publish DBIRTH Error: %s',^                    TO_STRING( DBIRTHError ) );    RETURN;END_IFJ_SparkplugB.Encode( Enable := TRUE );REPEAT&    _SparkplugB( );Œ    EncodeError := _SparkplugB.EncodeError( eError => Encode_eError );R    EncodeDone  := _SparkplugB.Encoded();>UNTIL EncodeDone OR EncodeErrorEND_REPEAT;L_SparkplugB.Encode( Enable := FALSE ); &IF EncodeError THEN!`                    'Encoding DBIRTH Error: %s',"b                    TO_STRING( Encode_eError ) );#F// now retrieve the serialised blob$T_SparkplugB.GetEncodedBlob( Blob := _Blob,%h                            BlobSize := _BlobSize );&0_MQTT.EnablePublisher();'BPublishDBIRTHEntry := EncodeDone;(Interface)L{a9ed5b7e-75c5-4651-af16-d2c27e98cb94}*(*+Ô    The DBIRTH is responsible for informing the backend system of all of the information about the device.,Œ    This includes every metric it will publish data for in the future.-œ    The following is a representation of a simple DBIRTH message on the topic:.€        spBv1.0/Sparkplug"!B Devices/DBIRTH/Raspberry Pi/Pibrella/Æ    In the topic above the following information is known based on the Sparkplug"! topic definition:0    1„        "    The  Group ID  of this device is: Sparkplug"! B Devices2„        "    The host  EoN node ID  of this device is: Raspberry Pi3P        "    The  Device ID  is: Pibrella4j        "    This is an DBIRTH message from the device5*)6${attribute 'hide'}7@METHOD PublishDBIRTHEntry : BOOL8VAR_IN_OUT94    AllMetricsList : LIST;:END_VAR;VAR_OUTPUT<D    EncodeError   : BOOL := FALSE;=4    Encode_eError : ERROR;>VAR_INST?0    DBIRTHError : ERROR;@4    DBIRTHTopic : WSTRING;A@    EncodeDone  : BOOL := FALSE;B@    PublishDone : BOOL := FALSE;ÐÐÐE#ÐÐ	
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