Diff of /branches/develop/mqttsparkplug/mqttsparkplug/Sparkplug™ MQTT edge and host/Function Blocks/FB_PrimaryHost/FB_PrimaryHost/PoolManager/allocMetric/svnobj [r890] .. [r891]  Maximize  Restore

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--- a/branches/develop/mqttsparkplug/mqttsparkplug/Sparkplug™ MQTT edge and host/Function Blocks/FB_PrimaryHost/FB_PrimaryHost/PoolManager/allocMetric/svnobj
+++ b/branches/develop/mqttsparkplug/mqttsparkplug/Sparkplug™ MQTT edge and host/Function Blocks/FB_PrimaryHost/FB_PrimaryHost/PoolManager/allocMetric/svnobj
@@ -1,28 +1,42 @@
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Ò// steal an object from the pool, register it with the Edge / Device / RemoteTemplate and assign its nameRIF NOT THIS^._MetricPool.ListIsEmpty THENä    _itfElement := THIS^._MetricPool.HeadElem.RemoveElem(); //Remove it, but now it is not part of a group anymorej    IF __QUERYPOINTER( _itfElement, _fb_Metric ) THENp        _fb_Metric^( itfMetricOwner := itfMetricOwner );J        allocMetric REF= _fb_Metric^;    ELSEX		eError := ERROR.HostNotEnoughBlankMetrics;^		allocMetric REF= GVL_sparkplug.InvalidMetric;	END_IFELSEV	eError := ERROR.HostNotEnoughBlankMetrics;\	allocMetric REF= GVL_sparkplug.InvalidMetric;END_IFInterfaceL{a9ed5b7e-75c5-4651-af16-d2c27e98cb94}p// Will try to allocate a new Metric with the given nameVMETHOD allocMetric : REFERENCE TO FB_MetricVAR_INPUT D    itfMetricOwner : IMetricOwner;!END_VAR"VAR_OUTPUT#&    eError : ERROR;$VAR%@    _itfElement      : IElement;&X    _fb_Metric       : POINTER TO FB_Metric;ÐÐÐEÐÐ	
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Ò// steal an object from the pool, register it with the Edge / Device / RemoteTemplate and assign its nameRIF NOT THIS^._MetricPool.ListIsEmpty THENâ    itfElement := THIS^._MetricPool.HeadElem.RemoveElem(); //Remove it, but now it is not part of a group anymoreh    IF __QUERYPOINTER( itfElement, pfb_Metric ) THENp        pfb_Metric^( itfMetricOwner := itfMetricOwner );J        allocMetric REF= pfb_Metric^;    ELSEJ		newObjectFromThinAirPlease := TRUE;	END_IFELSEH	newObjectFromThinAirPlease := TRUE;END_IFDIF newObjectFromThinAirPlease THENb	//No metric? No worries, we will just create onež	pfb_Metric := _MetricsFactory.Create(itfData := initData, eError => FBFError);0	IF pfb_Metric <> 0 THENd		pfb_Metric^( itfMetricOwner := itfMetricOwner );D	    allocMetric REF= pfb_Metric^; ž		//No need to add it to the pool... we add it instead when we assign the owner!d        eError := ERROR.HostNotEnoughBlankMetrics;"^		allocMetric REF= GVL_sparkplug.InvalidMetric;#    END_IF$Interface%L{a9ed5b7e-75c5-4651-af16-d2c27e98cb94}&p// Will try to allocate a new Metric with the given name'VMETHOD allocMetric : REFERENCE TO FB_Metric(VAR_INPUT)D    itfMetricOwner : IMetricOwner;*END_VAR+VAR_OUTPUT,&    eError : ERROR;-VAR.T    itfElement                 : IElement;/l    pfb_Metric                 : POINTER TO FB_Metric;0P	initData                   : DummyData;1P	FBFError                   : FBF.ERROR;2F	newObjectFromThinAirPlease : BOOL;ÐÐÐEÐÐ	
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