Commit [r906]  Maximize  Restore  History

Branch v1.4.2.16

introduces FB_FileControl
and IFileTransfer
for the yet to be written FB_MetricFileTransfer

hermsen 2021-06-18

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added /branches/develop/mqttsparkplug/mqttsparkplug/Sparkplug™ MQTT edge and host/Interfaces/IFileTransfer/SendFile/svnobj
added /branches/develop/mqttsparkplug/mqttsparkplug/Sparkplug™ MQTT edge and host/Interfaces/IFileTransfer/svnobj
/branches/develop/mqttsparkplug/mqttsparkplug/Sparkplug™ MQTT edge and host/Interfaces/IFileTransfer/SendFile/svnobj Diff Switch to side-by-side view
/branches/develop/mqttsparkplug/mqttsparkplug/Sparkplug™ MQTT edge and host/Interfaces/IFileTransfer/svnobj Diff Switch to side-by-side view
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