/branches/develop/mqttsparkplug/mqttsparkplug/Sparkplug™ MQTT edge and host/Interfaces/IFileTransfer Commit Log

Commit Date  
[r909] by hermsen

Sparkplug Development Lib v1.4.2.18 changelog, still work in progress
* changed Project Information

* Changed FB_MetricFileTransfer.ReturnFileName (Maybe it should return the filetransfer properties (filesize, filename, full path, any other metadata on the file?)

* Changed FB_StringBuilder as preliminary unittesting shows it contains bugs
regarding WSTRING(80) which is nonsensical for WSTRING

* FB_StringBuilder main body
* FB_StringBuilder.append
* FB_StringBuilder.delete
* FB_StringBuilder.find
* FB_StringBuilder.insertat
* FB_StringBuilder.len
* FB_StringBuilder.mid
* FB_StringBuilder.replaceat
* FB_StringBuilder.right
* FB_StringBuilder.tostring
* FB_StringBuilder.towstring
* Changed ILimitedStringBuilder, EXTENDS __SYSTEM.IQueryInterface
* Changed IStringBuilder, EXTENDS ILimitedStringBuilder
* Added Function ReturnFileName as this function seems to be useful enough
* Added accompanying unittest for FB_StringBuilder in seperate project, also work in progress

2021-08-14 22:40:59 Tree
[r907] by hermsen

v1.4.2.17 Started implementation of

2021-06-19 22:07:18 Tree
[r906] by hermsen

Branch v1.4.2.16
introduces FB_FileControl
and IFileTransfer
for the yet to be written FB_MetricFileTransfer

2021-06-18 19:44:58 Tree