/branches/develop/mqttsparkplug/mqttsparkplug-unittest/Device/Plc Logic Commit Log

Commit Date  
[r922] by hermsen

Added a fully functioning webvisu to view testresults via webserver next to xUnit type report.

2021-09-18 23:03:25 Tree
[r921] by hermsen

Added yet more test skeletons/code from old unittests

2021-09-18 11:56:02 Tree
[r918] by hermsen

Added various tests allthough they still need to pass as lib needs debugging

2021-09-17 20:15:50 Tree
[r917] by hermsen

All new testrig setup for unittest of coBolt using TEST_ORDERED() functionality.

2021-09-17 18:40:33 Tree
[r908] by hermsen

New setup for unittest, integrationtest and user pov test for co⚡e - Sparkplug™ MQTT edge and host
Reorganised project into at least 3 folders:
* unittest
* integrationtest
* user pov test.

Skeleton template demonstrated in unittest == Stable and ready
Added tests for FB_WStringBuilder

2021-08-14 22:05:24 Tree
[r877] by hermsen

overhauled and went for an SFC approach

2021-04-05 19:44:07 Tree
[r876] by hermsen

in lieu with cfUnit v1.2

2021-04-03 22:36:07 Tree