Diff of /branches/i-campbell/mqttsparkplugb/mqttsparkplugb/SparkplugB/Function Blocks/FB_Payload_1/FB_PayloadDataSet/svnobj [r97] .. [r98]  Maximize  Restore

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a/branches/i-campbell/mqttsparkplugb/mqttsparkplugb/SparkplugB/Function Blocks/FB_Payload_1/FB_PayloadDataSet/svnobj b/branches/i-campbell/mqttsparkplugb/mqttsparkplugb/SparkplugB/Function Blocks/FB_Payload_1/FB_PayloadDataSet/svnobj
Gx_lÙ!0…jüo˜Tg³×/¶System.StringL{6f9dac99-8de1-4efc-8465-68ac443b7d08}SpecialFuncL{0db3d7bb-cde0-4416-9a7b-ce49a0124323}NoneImplementationL{3b83b776-fb25-43b8-99f2-3c507c9143fc}TextDocument    L{f3878285-8e4f-490b-bb1b-9acbb7eb04db}
Gx_l%!0…jüoŒ{˜¶ÚqÕ3ˆSystem.StringL{6f9dac99-8de1-4efc-8465-68ac443b7d08}SpecialFuncL{0db3d7bb-cde0-4416-9a7b-ce49a0124323}NoneImplementationL{3b83b776-fb25-43b8-99f2-3c507c9143fc}TextDocument    L{f3878285-8e4f-490b-bb1b-9acbb7eb04db}
TextLinesL{a5de0b0b-1cb5-4913-ac21-9d70293ec00d}Id
longTagTextä(* This is an FB and not a struct, because it may be possible for a payload to partially or fully encode itself *)InterfaceL{a9ed5b7e-75c5-4651-af16-d2c27e98cb94}@FUNCTION_BLOCK FB_PayloadDataSetVAR_INPUT^//        optional uint64   num_of_columns    = 1;R    xHasNum_of_columns : REFERENCE TO BOOL;L      num_of_columns : REFERENCE TO ULINT;d//        repeated string   columns           = 2;¢        uliHasColumns : REFERENCE TO ULINT; // payload contains this many columns¶    asColumns : REFERENCE TO ARRAY [0..65535] OF STRING; // payload contains names of columnsf//         repeated uint32   types             = 3;º        uliHasTypes : REFERENCE TO ULINT; // payload contains type definition for each columnÖ    aTypes : REFERENCE TO ARRAY [0..65535] OF DataSetDataType; // payload contains type definition of columnsf//         repeated Row      rows              = 4;–        uliHasRows : REFERENCE TO ULINT; // payload contains this many Rows º    aRows : REFERENCE TO ARRAY [0..65535] OF DataSetValue; // payload contains Rows of Elements!°//         extensions                          5 to max;   // For third party extensions"H        // NO EXTENSIONS IMPLEMENTED#END_VAR$VAR%"UniqueIdGenerator&40'POULevel(L{8e575c5b-1d37-49c6-941b-5c0ec7874787})Standard* ChildObjectGuids+8System.Collections.ArrayList,,AddAttributeSubsequent-boolÐÐ-ÐÐ   E
TextLinesL{a5de0b0b-1cb5-4913-ac21-9d70293ec00d}Id
longTagTextä(* This is an FB and not a struct, because it may be possible for a payload to partially or fully encode itself *)InterfaceL{a9ed5b7e-75c5-4651-af16-d2c27e98cb94}@FUNCTION_BLOCK FB_PayloadDataSetVAR_INPUT6    (*Trigers for conversion*)  xDecode : BOOL;"   xEncode : BOOL; END_VARVAR_IN_OUTŒ  OwnerPayload : FB_Payload; //He manages the assigning of Pool Objectsê  ProtobufBlobIndex : DINT;  //For decoding, starts where the start of the Metric is, ends on the last byte of the Metric.  For Encoding, starts where the first byte of the Metric should be written to, ends on the next free byte after this metricö    {info 'TODO: i-campbell: Need to write code to handle any array indexes.  For now ONLY pass ARRAYS of starting index = 0'}æ    myProtobufBlob : ARRAY [*] OF BYTE;//array of bytes containing the protobuf payload.  If the array is the wholeb    //myMetricsPool : ARRAY [*] OF FB_PayloadMetric;l //myKeysPool : ARRAY [*] OF LinkedListWStringElement; „  //myPropertySetValuesPool : ARRAY [*] OF FB_PayloadPropertyValue;!v   //myPorpertySetsPool : ARRAY [*] OF FB_PayloadPropertySet;"¸    myDataSetColumnsPool : ARRAY[*] OF LinkedListWStringElement; //Maybe combine with KeysPool?#p   myDataSetTypesPool : ARRAY[*] OF FB_PayloadDataSetType;$b   myRowsPool         : ARRAY [*] OF FB_PayloadRow;%j myElementsPool     : ARRAY [*] OF FB_PayloadElement;&r //myParametersPool   : ARRAY [*] OF FB_PayloadParameter;'ž    //myBodyPool         : ARRAY [*] OF BYTE; // for example Payload.Metric[].Body(VAR_OUTPUT)Z   xDecodeDone,xDecodeBusy,xDecodeError : BOOL;*, eDecodeError : ERROR;+Z   xEncodeDone,xEncodeBusy,xEncodeError : BOOL;,, eEncodeError : ERROR;-.VAR/^//     optional uint64   num_of_columns    = 1;0R    xHasNum_of_columns : REFERENCE TO BOOL;1L      num_of_columns : REFERENCE TO ULINT;2d//        repeated string   columns           = 2;3®        asColumns : COL.LinkedList; // OF  STRING; // payload contains names of columns4f//         repeated uint32   types             = 3;5Ö        aTypes : COL.LinkedList; // OF FB_PayloadDataSetType // payload contains type definition of columns6f//         repeated Row      rows              = 4;7°        aRows : COL.LinkedList; // OF FB_PayloadRow // payload contains Rows of Elements8°//         extensions                          5 to max;   // For third party extensions9H        // NO EXTENSIONS IMPLEMENTED:"UniqueIdGenerator;68<POULevel=L{8e575c5b-1d37-49c6-941b-5c0ec7874787}>Standard? ChildObjectGuids@8System.Collections.ArrayListA,AddAttributeSubsequentBboolÐÐ-ÐÐ  E
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