v1.4.2.30 Revised FB_WStringBuilder to support large buffers, i.e. >= 255 Unicode charcters. see also ticket [#144]
Fixed function ReturnFileName upped library version to v1.4.2.28
Refactored CmpStackLog component Updated library version
Huge amount of changes added reference to coList: LinkedList fixed namesapces accordingly renamed to: co⚡e stack stweeped the entire codebase :-|
v1.4.2.25 -> Commencing Split of library into three libraries See ticket [#99]
Contains all changes up until svn commit [r927] co⚡e - Sparkplug™ MQTT edge and host
r916 [#144] continue work towards FB_WStringBullder larger string size Append, Delete, Find, InsertAt have been modified Now working towards...
Commit of co⚡e: Sparkplug™ MQTT edge and host svn trunk [r912] v1.4.2.19