/project/project_information_401df53a/getcompany_445d2084 Commit Log

Commit Date  
[328c06] by i-campbell i-campbell

I opened the project in SP18 and all the objects went orange.

2022-04-08 20:51:52 Tree
[9255d3] by hermsen hermsen

Huge amount of changes
added reference to coList: LinkedList
fixed namesapces accordingly
renamed to: co⚡e stack
stweeped the entire codebase :-|

2021-10-16 21:56:57 Tree
[c14a25] by hermsen hermsen

Commit of co⚡e: Sparkplug™ MQTT edge and host svn trunk [r912] v1.4.2.19

2021-10-01 22:15:03 Tree