/project/sparkplug™_mqtt_edge_and_host-stack_b9741afd/interfaces_c2fd0448 Commit Log

Commit Date  
[4894e0] by hermsen hermsen

Moved IMessageSource Interface to Edge Library

2021-10-31 21:42:02 Tree
[01b1e7] by hermsen hermsen

Expanded IMetric with Alias Property
Version stays

2021-10-31 20:22:09 Tree
[e04c25] by i-campbell i-campbell

[#112] Read Only Metrics
FB_Metric now has a member Access, which can be ReadOnly or ReadWrite (default)

2021-10-31 14:39:46 Tree
[451759] by i-campbell i-campbell

[#90] Properties
Edge and Device can now xBIRTH Properties and update those properties with xDATA
Properties cannot (yet) be updated by an xCMD
Host does not (yet) recognise Properties

2021-10-29 19:19:38 Tree
[05c8a5] by hermsen hermsen

Deleted stuff which has been moved to SPHost allready.

TODO -> Fix the recursive dependency in FB_Metric for ItfPrimaryHost!

2021-10-18 19:47:38 Tree
[1c74c9] by i-campbell i-campbell

[#99] Separation of the library into multiple libraries - host

2021-10-17 14:27:11 Tree
[9255d3] by hermsen hermsen

Huge amount of changes
added reference to coList: LinkedList
fixed namesapces accordingly
renamed to: co⚡e stack
stweeped the entire codebase :-|

2021-10-16 21:56:57 Tree
[05c878] by hermsen hermsen

CmpStackLog as per ticket [r99]

2021-10-14 20:36:30 Tree
[9a5d66] by hermsen hermsen

v1.4.2.25 -> Commencing Split of library into three libraries
See ticket [#99]

2021-10-13 20:18:44 Tree