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cođź”—e: Linked List

This Page
Introduction | Usage | Download | Requirements | Acknowledgements


Linked lists are suitable as a flexible and modular way to implement simple and powerful code with ease.
This library will allow you to leverage the simplicity, power and flexibility of linked lists.

A linked list is a data structure that represents a sequence of nodes (Elements). This library implements a so called
"double linked list", which simply means that the list gives each Element pointers to both the next Element and the previous Element.
Unlike an array, a linked list does not provide constant time access to a particular “index” within the list.
This means that if you’d like to find the K-th element in the list, you will need to iterate through K elements.
The benefit of a linked list is that you can add and remove Elements from the list during runtime.


How to use it

Insert the Library Reference in your program.
Declare a LIST of type LinkedList.List;
Declare an FB that will EXTEND LinkedList.FB_Element;
Declare several extended FB's.
Now some initialisation is needed, as each FB_Element is to be registered with the List.
You should never interact with list elements directly! Always interact with Elements through the central List!


By downloading and using our software you abide by the MIT License

Download cođź”—e - Linked List v1.0.0.0 library


System requirements and restrictions Info
Programming System CODESYS Development System Version or higher
Runtime System CODESYS Control Version or higher
Licensing -
Required Accessories -


Since we develop as individuals we have regular jobs, we understand that good software development takes time and effort. However, this experimental and open form of development stimulates our creativity in full freedom without any pressure, boundaries or limitations! Creativity, fun and adding value to society are part of our DNA. This means that we do not have any hard deadlines to meet apart from those we impose on ourselves! Of course we set milestones and progress is being made. Please respect our efforts and our limited time.


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