/tags Commit Log

Commit Date  
[r255] by aliazzz
2019-10-02 21:13:07 Tree
[r254] by aliazzz
2019-10-02 21:08:10 Tree
[r253] by aliazzz
2019-10-02 21:05:39 Tree
[r239] by aliazzz
2019-09-16 19:05:52 Tree
[r238] by aliazzz
2019-09-16 19:05:38 Tree
[r237] by aliazzz


2019-09-16 18:51:33 Tree
[r195] by aliazzz
2019-08-31 18:54:50 Tree
[r192] by aliazzz

Final Commit of v1.0.0.0

2019-08-31 18:48:12 Tree
[r191] by aliazzz

commit of v1.0.0.0:




2019-08-31 17:13:11 Tree
[r140] by aliazzz

commit of trunk/Library/CfUnit.library
commit of tags/v0.9.1.0/CfUnit.compiled-library
commit of tags/v0.9.1.0/CfUnit.library
commit of tags/v0.9.1.0/CfUnitTimedTestExample.gif
commit of tags/v0.9.1.0/CfUnitTimedTestExample.project
commit of tags/v0.9.1.0/CfUnitVerifier.project
commit of tags/v0.9.1.0/CfUnitVerifierOutput.xml
commit of tags/v0.9.1.0/CfUnitverifierOutput.png
commit of tags/v0.9.1.0/SimpleCfUnitExample.gif
commit of tags/v0.9.1.0/SimpleCfUnitExample.project

2019-07-21 17:55:40 Tree
[r139] by aliazzz


2019-07-21 15:42:07 Tree
[r128] by aliazzz
2019-07-06 19:46:12 Tree
[r127] by aliazzz

Added CfUnitTimedTestExample.project
* Demonstrates timed tests by using a state-machine
* Demonstrates adding extra verbose messages to the testlog

2019-07-06 18:40:07 Tree
[r96] by aliazzz
2019-06-16 19:06:19 Tree
[r95] by aliazzz
2019-06-16 19:04:55 Tree
[r94] by aliazzz

Commit of CfUnit v0.9.0.0

Better/more easy to use API for CfUnit according to issue #29 "Reduce boilerplate code required for writing tests" and issue #26 "Boilerplate reduction and using a TEST_FINISHED method".
Updated documentation for FB_TestSuite Assertion methods

Also solved multiple issues:

Issue #27 "Multiple assert instances in one test suite causes issues"
Issue #25 "implicit typecasting throws errors + solution"
Issue #23 "Usage of FB_ADSAssertMessageFormatter.LogAssertFailure should warn"
Issue #21 "Remove unused code"
Issue #19 "Rename GVL_Constants"

2019-06-16 18:54:44 Tree
[r93] by aliazzz
2019-06-16 18:53:16 Tree
[r92] by aliazzz
2019-06-16 18:53:08 Tree
[r91] by aliazzz
2019-06-16 18:53:02 Tree
[r89] by aliazzz
2019-06-16 18:37:33 Tree
[r88] by aliazzz
2019-06-16 18:37:16 Tree
[r87] by aliazzz
2019-06-16 18:37:09 Tree
[r86] by aliazzz
2019-06-16 18:37:00 Tree
[r85] by aliazzz
2019-06-16 18:36:52 Tree
[r84] by aliazzz

CfUnitVerifier output.gif for v0.9.0.0

2019-06-15 21:53:01 Tree
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