Diff of /branch/coUnit/coUnit/Unit Test Framework for CODESYS/GVLs/GVL_Param_coUnit/svnobj [r446] .. [r447]  Maximize  Restore

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--- a/branch/coUnit/coUnit/Unit Test Framework for CODESYS/GVLs/GVL_Param_coUnit/svnobj
+++ b/branch/coUnit/coUnit/Unit Test Framework for CODESYS/GVLs/GVL_Param_coUnit/svnobj
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-Gx_lô!0…jüo}gª‚\OyÓ×ÆSystem.StringL{ffbfa93a-b94d-45fc-a329-229860183b1d}InterfaceL{a9ed5b7e-75c5-4651-af16-d2c27e98cb94}TextDocumentL{f3878285-8e4f-490b-bb1b-9acbb7eb04db}TextLinesL{a5de0b0b-1cb5-4913-ac21-9d70293ec00d}	Id
-longTagText
8{attribute 'qualified_only'}&VAR_GLOBAL CONSTANTR    MaxNumberOfTestSuites : UINT := 1000;f    MaxNumberOfTestsForEachTestSuite : UINT := 100;l    MaxNumberOfAssertsForEachTestSuite : UINT := 1000;p    (* coUnit logs complete test results. These include:@         - Number of test suites4         - Number of testsJ         - Number of successful testsB         - Number of failed testsÐ         - Any eventual failed assertion (with the expected & actual value plus an user defined message)˜       These are all printed to the PLC Logger marked with ERROR criticalityÔ       On top of this coUnit also reports some statistics/extended information with HINT/INFO criticality.Ò       These statistics are more detailed results of the tests. This information is used when results areÚ       being collected by an external software (such as TcUnit-Runner) to do for example Jenkins integration.Ò       This extra information however takes time to print, so by setting the following parameter to FALSEX       it will speed up coUnit finishing. *)N    LogExtendedResults : BOOL := FALSE; š    (* Enable (TRUE) or disable (FALSE) publishing of the xUnit Xml report *)!L    xUnitEnablePublish : BOOL := TRUE;"Î    (* Default reserved PLC memory buffer used for composition of the xUnit xml file (64 kb default) *)#J    xUnitBufferSize : UDINT := 65535;$°    (* Default path and filename for the xunit testresults e.g.: for use with jenkins *)%Š    xUnitFilePath : T_MaxString := 'C:\coUnit_xunit_testresults.xml';&Ä    (* Time delay between a test suite is finished and the execution of the next test suite starts'H       if using RUN_IN_SEQUENCE() *)(f    TimeBetweenTestSuitesExecution : TIME := T#0MS;)END_VAR* NetVarProperties+ParameterList,bool-,AddAttributeSubsequentÐÐÐE"ÐÐ	
+Gx_lÄ!0…jüoM‚¬¡OyÓ×ÆSystem.StringL{ffbfa93a-b94d-45fc-a329-229860183b1d}InterfaceL{a9ed5b7e-75c5-4651-af16-d2c27e98cb94}TextDocumentL{f3878285-8e4f-490b-bb1b-9acbb7eb04db}TextLinesL{a5de0b0b-1cb5-4913-ac21-9d70293ec00d}	Id
+longTagText
8{attribute 'qualified_only'}&VAR_GLOBAL CONSTANTR    MaxNumberOfTestSuites : UINT := 1000;f    MaxNumberOfTestsForEachTestSuite : UINT := 100;l    MaxNumberOfAssertsForEachTestSuite : UINT := 1000;p    (* coUnit logs complete test results. These include:@         - Number of test suites4         - Number of testsJ         - Number of successful testsB         - Number of failed testsÐ         - Any eventual failed assertion (with the expected & actual value plus an user defined message)˜       These are all printed to the PLC Logger marked with ERROR criticalityÔ       On top of this coUnit also reports some statistics/extended information with HINT/INFO criticality.Ò       These statistics are more detailed results of the tests. This information is used when results areª       being collected by an external software to do for example Jenkins integration.Ò       This extra information however takes time to print, so by setting the following parameter to FALSEX       it will speed up coUnit finishing. *)N    LogExtendedResults : BOOL := FALSE; š    (* Enable (TRUE) or disable (FALSE) publishing of the xUnit Xml report *)!L    xUnitEnablePublish : BOOL := TRUE;"Î    (* Default reserved PLC memory buffer used for composition of the xUnit xml file (64 kb default) *)#J    xUnitBufferSize : UDINT := 65535;$°    (* Default path and filename for the xunit testresults e.g.: for use with jenkins *)%Š    xUnitFilePath : T_MaxString := 'C:\coUnit_xunit_testresults.xml';&Ä    (* Time delay between a test suite is finished and the execution of the next test suite starts'H       if using RUN_IN_SEQUENCE() *)(f    TimeBetweenTestSuitesExecution : TIME := T#0MS;)END_VAR* NetVarProperties+ParameterList,bool-,AddAttributeSubsequentÐÐÐE"ÐÐ	
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