/trunk/json/json-pac/Functions/JSON_TO_STRUCT Commit Log

Commit Date  
[r7] by admin

Added some fixes for special formatting in the JSON file:
- value which is an array of a structure
- values with escaped double quotes
- values with newlines
- values with spaces around the value string or numerical value

2019-09-30 15:19:39 Tree
[r5] by tvm

minor changes and bug fixes
certain JSON strings were causing objects to be created differently when called from a function block as opposed to a program in STRUCT_TO_JSON
minor changes
added a Set accessor to the JSONVAR.VarName property. This became necessary when I had a weather forecast string which used the date as the name of an object (which changed every day). This change allows the modification of the json variable name to something other than the Codesys variable name at runtime. This needs to be done manually at runtime.
Upgraded to Schneider Machine Expert v 1.1, which includes SVN support and uprades everything to Codesys 3.5 SP12

2019-09-27 22:55:10 Tree
[r3] by codesys-com

Moved CODESYS lib two levels deeper to make space for the the package and potentially more projects or files.

2018-12-06 17:39:07 Tree