Diff of /branches/timvh/example/CODESYS_Control/Plc Logic/AppLowMemory/FB_ParseRecipes/svnobj [000000] .. [r76]  Maximize  Restore

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--- a
+++ b/branches/timvh/example/CODESYS_Control/Plc Logic/AppLowMemory/FB_ParseRecipes/svnobj
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+Gx_l¨!0…jüoß	¸¡¡¡¼System.StringL{6f9dac99-8de1-4efc-8465-68ac443b7d08}SpecialFuncL{0db3d7bb-cde0-4416-9a7b-ce49a0124323}NoneImplementationL{3b83b776-fb25-43b8-99f2-3c507c9143fc}TextDocument	L{f3878285-8e4f-490b-bb1b-9acbb7eb04db}
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longTagText&CASE _iParseStep OFR    0: // read file and write into buffer,        IF xParse THENB            xParsingBusy := TRUE;v            (* open file from start and read into buffer *)d            (* buffer is already set in FB_Init *)ä            _result := _Xml.ReadFile(sFileName := szFilename, udiNextOffset := 0, BytesRead => _XmlFileBytesRead);V            IF _result = E_XmlError.Ok THEN8                _index := 0;N                _xFoundRecipe := FALSE;D                _iParseStep := 10;             ELSED                _iParseStep := 99;$            END_IF		END_IF¨    10: (* the buffer is now filled in memory and the original file has been closed. B            So we can iterate it !        *)"        REPEAT#<		    _sTag := _Xml.NextTag();$–            IF _sTag = 'recipe' AND _Xml.sTagsSeek = '/recipes/recipe' THEN%þ                // start of recipe found. remember name and position in file, then continue in the next cycle, not to stop the &”                _Xml.NextParameter(Parameter => astDataSet[_index].sName);'†                astDataSet[_index].udiFilePos := _Xml.GetFilePos();(J                _index := _index + 1;)L                _xFoundRecipe := TRUE;*R            ELSIF _sTag = '/recipes' THEN+.                // Done,F                _iParseStep := 100;-*                EXIT;.			END_IF/b            IF _Xml.SearchPos >= _Xml.Length THEN06                ReadNext();1N        UNTIL _xFoundRecipe  END_REPEAT2        30    99: // error occured4<        xParsingBusy := FALSE;5<        xParsingError := TRUE;64        IF NOT xParse THEN7F            xParsingError := FALSE;8:            _iParseStep := 0;9     100: // done::        xParsingDone := TRUE;;D            xParsingDone := FALSE;<END_CASE=Interface>L{a9ed5b7e-75c5-4651-af16-d2c27e98cb94}?<FUNCTION_BLOCK FB_ParseRecipes@VAR_INPUTA$    xParse : BOOL;BEND_VARCVAR_OUTPUTD0    xParsingDone : BOOL;E0    xParsingBusy : BOOL;F2    xParsingError : BOOL;GVAR_IN_OUTHb    astDataSet : ARRAY[0..999] OF ST_RECIPE_LIST;IVARJ,	_Xml : FB_XmlControl;Kj	szFilename : STRING := './AppLowMemory/recipes.xml';L4	// select your buffertypeM–    _Buffer : ARRAY [0..xmlpac.GVL_Param_XmlControl.MaxFileSize-1] OF BYTE;NP    _xBufferInitialised : BOOL := FALSE;O$	_iParseStep: INT;P@    _result : xmlpac.E_XmlError;Q@    _XmlFileBytesRead : __XWORD;R"    _index : INT;S    T>    _sTag : XmlPac.T_MaxString;U2    _xFoundRecipe : BOOL;VW"UniqueIdGeneratorX203YPOULevelZL{8e575c5b-1d37-49c6-941b-5c0ec7874787}[Standard\ ChildObjectGuids]8System.Collections.ArrayList^,AddAttributeSubsequent_boolÐÐ-ÐÐ	E
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