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Alarm Manager

This sample project describes how to access alarm objects by means of a program.
With the AlarmManager object, it is possible to access active and stored alarms.
It is also possible to register a client to receive alarm events.

Product description

This sample project demonstrates how to access an alarm object by means of a program.
With the AlarmManager object, it is possible to access active and stored alarms.
It is also possible to register a client to receive alarm events.

The sample project contains two alarm tables. The first one (type Alarmtable) shows the active and stored events.
New alarms can be created by means of the buttons below the table.
The second table simulates an alarm table and shows the stored alarms.

More information

A client has to implement the IAlarmManagerClient interface to get access to the alarm objects by means of a program.

The IAlarmManagerClient interface includes the following methods:

  • GetFilterCriteria: A filter criteria for active and stored alarms
  • ActiveAlarmChanged: Notification when an active alarm has changed (for example, if a new alarm is active or the status has changed). The list of active alarms can be read by the IAlarmHandler2.GetActiveAlarms method.
  • AlarmStorageModified: Notification when a stored alarm has changed. The list of the stored alarms can be read by the IAlarmHandler2.GetAlarmsFromStorage method.

A filter can be set via the IAlarmFilterCriteria interface.
The AlarmFilterCriteria function block implements the IAlarmFilterCriteria interface.
In the example, the IAlarmManagerClient interface is implemented by the AlarmManagerClient function block.
The client is registered at the AlarmManager in the PLC_PRG program.
The ProcessAlarms function writes the alarms to the console of the controller.

System requirements and restrictions

System requirements and restrictions Info
Programming System CODESYS Development System Version or higher
Runtime System CODESYS Control Version
Required Accessories -

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