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Event Manager

This example shows how to receive and send system events like start, stop, login or logout.

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There are two kinds of registration. One is the registration of an interface function and
the other one is the registration of a normal function. The registration is done within the
FB_Init method.

  • EventCallbackFB:
    The ICmpEventCallback Interface with the EventCallback method is implemented here. After the function block was created the EventCallback method and the event will be registered in the FB_Init method. If the function block gets deleted the FB_Exit method is called which unregisters from the event. In case the stop event occurs the method will save the cause of the event in the g_ulStopReason variable.

  • EventCallbackFunctionFB:
    This function block registers login and logout events with the EventCallbackFunction function. Every time one of the two events occurs the function will be called.

  • EventCallbackFunction:
    Counts the occurred events.

  • Main:
    Here a logout event is generated manually. This event is also caught by the EventCallbackFunction function and increments the counter by one.