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Download HTML5DemoButton

HTML5 Demo Button

Product description

This HTML5 demo button control is used to demonstrate how the input configuration can be used in a HTML5 control.When the input configuration is used in a HTML5 control than mouse events can be sent to IEC and the configured input actions OnMouseDown, OnMouseUp and OnMouseMove can be executed.

More information

Install HTML5 Control to use it as visual element:
Open CODESYS: Tools - Visual Element Repository
Within "Profile or Extension Selection" choose "HTML5 Controls"
Press Button "Install.." and navigate to the downloaded and unziped example.
Select the .html5control.xml file and press "open".
Now the element will be installed into your repository and you can use it like any other visual element.

System requirements and restrictions

System requirements and restrictions Info
Programming System CODESYS Development System Version or higher
Runtime System CODESYS Control Version
Required Accessories CODESYS Visualization