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Visu Element XY Chart Example

This sample project demonstrates how to use the 'XY Chart' visualization element.

Product description

The sample project 'XYChartExamples' includes three applications for the 'XY Chart' visualization element.
This 'XY Chart' visualization element displays the curve of array values graphically as a line or bar chart in the Cartesian coordinate system.

The sample project includes applications covering the following topics:
- Curve overlapping
- Curve programming
- Zooming and panning

More information

Application XYChartCurvesOverlapping

The application demonstrates how to use the overlapping mode.

Application XYChartProgrammingMode

The application demonstrates how to use the programming mode.

Application XYChartZoomingPanning

The application demonstrates how to use the zoom and pan function.

Screenshot thumbnail
Application XYChartCurvesOverlapping
Screenshot thumbnail
Application XYChartProgrammingMode
Screenshot thumbnail
Application XYChartZoomingPanning