

Download Visu_Event_Handler.zip

Visu Event Handler

Three example projects show how events of visualizations can be handled by a program and
how to implement the necessary interfaces.

Product description

This example package shows how events of visualizations can be caught in a program.
Three example projects demonstrate the usage of the Key Event Handler, the Mouse Event Handler
and the Editbox Event Handler.

More information


This example implements the interface VisuElems.IEditBoxInputHandler. The method VariableWritten
is called by the event handler if a value is written in a textbox.


This example implements the interface VisuElems.IEditBoxInputHandler. The method HandleKeyEvent
is called by the event handler if a key is pressed.


This example implements the interface VisuElems.VisuElemBase.IMouseEventHandler
The method HandleMouseBtnEvent is called by the event handler if a mouse button is pressed or released.

The method HandleMouseMoveEvent is called by the event handler if the mouse is moved.

System requirements and restrictions

System requirements and restrictions Info
Programming System CODESYS Development System Version or higher
Runtime System CODESYS Control Version
Required Accessories -

Screenshot thumbnail
Screenshot of Visualization