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Backgammon game for CODESYS. The project is realized with the Sequential Function Chart (SFC).
The Sequential Function Chart (SFC) is a graphically oriented language which allows to describe the chronological order
of particular actions within a program.

Description of the game:

CODESYS plays with the blue stones from right bottom to right top. You play with the red stones from right top to the right bottom.

  • ‘New Game’ starts a new game
  • ‘Roll dice’ rolls the dices
  • A stone can be moved by selecting its current field and then selecting the target field.

More information

The central component of the game Backgammon.project is the program PLC_PRG.
The program is implemented in Sequential Function Chart (SFC). Each game step is represented by a SFC action.
The status of game and the position of the stones are stored in the function block FB_Board.
The visualization Vis_Board displays the board and the state of the function block FB_Board.

System requirements and restrictions

System requirements and restrictions Info
Programming System CODESYS Development System Version or higher
Runtime System CODESYS Control Version
Required Accessories -

Screenshot thumbnail
Screenshot of the game