Diff of / linux-integr-prj,linux-integr,code/Device/Plc Logic/Application/PLC_PRG/svnobj [000000] .. [r2]  Maximize  Restore

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--- a
+++ b/ linux-integr-prj,linux-integr,code/Device/Plc Logic/Application/PLC_PRG/svnobj
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
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longTagTextbIF hMySocket = RTS_INVALID_HANDLE  AND xOpen THENT	// create a socket for an IPv4 TCP streamš	hMySocket := SysSockCreate(	iAddressFamily	:= SOCKET_AF_INET, (* SOCKET_AF_INET for ip4 connection. We do it locally, so it is a loopback *)F								diType 			:= SOCKET_STREAM,V								diProtocol 		:= SOCKET_IPPROTO_TCP,D								pResult 		:= ADR(result));&	xIsBound := FALSE; 	xOpen := FALSE;END_IF	 Z// go through the process of binding the portrIF hMySocket <> RTS_INVALID_HANDLE AND NOT xIsBound THEN		†	// set up port to reuse address so we can bind to ANY ip (	result := SysSockSetOption(	hSocket 		:= hMySocket,`								diLevel 		:= SOCKET_SOL, // socket level Ô								diOption 		:= SOCKET_SO_REUSEADDR, // allow using an addres (e.g. localhost or ANY) multiple times!l								pdiOptionValue 	:= ADR(diReuseAddr), // enable"Z								diOptionLen 	:= SIZEOF(diReuseAddr));#		$%	// fill out the struct used to pass along the binding information						&ˆ	socketAddress.sin_family := SOCKET_AF_INET; // same as on creation 'Ì	socketAddress.sin_addr.ulAddr := SOCKET_INADDR_ANY; // any means we bind it to all network interfaces(Ø	socketAddress.sin_port := SysSockHtons(1200); // the port number we chose, converted to ethernet byte order):	// now do the actual binding*`	result := SysSockBind(		hSocket 		:= hMySocket,+T								pSockAddr 		:= ADR(socketAddress),,d								diSockAddrSize 	:= SIZEOF(socketAddress));-								.J	xIsBound := result = Errors.ERR_OK;	/t	// set socket to start listening for incoming connections0b	result := SysSockListen(	hSocket 		:= hMySocket,1<								diMaxConnections:= 1);2d	xIsBound := xIsBound AND result = Errors.ERR_OK;	3à	// set the option for non-blocking so accept() returns immediatly instead of waiting until a connection is made4(	diNonblocking := 1;5b	result := SysSockIoctl(		hSocket			:= hMySocket,6x								diCommand		:= SOCKET_FIONBIO, // non-blocking option7v								pdiParameter	:= ADR(diNonblocking)); // set it to 18z xIsBound := xIsBound AND result = Errors.ERR_OK;												9END_IF::// accept incoming connection;’IF hMySocket <> RTS_INVALID_HANDLE AND xIsBound AND NOT xIsConnected THEN<Ú	// accept the connection if possible. As an output we get information about the socket we are connectiong to=v	hAcceptedSocket := SysSockAccept( 	hSocket 		:= hMySocket,>d										pSockAddr 		:= ADR(saConnectionPartner),?x										pdiSockAddrSize := ADR(diSaConnectionPartnerSize),@H										pResult 		:= ADR(result));A&																			Bn	xIsConnected := hAcceptedSocket <> RTS_INVALID_HANDLE;Cn	result := SysSockIoctl(		hSocket			:= hAcceptedSocket,Dž// use the handle of the accepted connection to read the data that is arriving.E|IF hAcceptedSocket <> RTS_INVALID_HANDLE AND xIsConnected THENFh	// build the data structure needed to read a socketG2	socketSet.fd_count := 1;HT	socketSet.fd_array[0] := hAcceptedSocket;IR	// check if there is anyhting to be readJÔ	result := SysSockSelect(	pfdRead := ADR(socketSet), // pointer to set of the sockets we want to select onK>					pfdWrite := 0, // not usedL@					pfdExcept := 0, // not usedM˜					diWidth := SOCKET_FD_SETSIZE, // maximum number of sockets in socketSetNP					ptvTimeout := ADR(tvSelectTimeout),O^					pdiReady := ADR(diSocketsReadyToReceive));PH	IF diSocketsReadyToReceive > 0 THENQT		// read the bytes waiting in the socket.RÊ		xiBytesReceived := SysSockRecv(		hSocket 		:= hAcceptedSocket, // the connected socket to read fromSz											pbyBuffer 		:= ADR(uiMessage), // where we read toT„											diBufferSize 	:= SIZEOF(uiMessage), // how much we readUh											diFlags 		:= SOCKET_MSG_NONE, // no flagsVL											pResult 		:= ADR(result)); W	END_IFX
+					YÚ	// if we don't have a timeout or we would not block, something failed, so connection must have dropped						ZÔ	IF result <> Errors.ERR_OK AND result <> Errors.ERR_TIMEOUT AND result <> Errors.ERR_SOCK_WOULDBLOCK THEN[0		xIsConnected := FALSE;\V		SysSockClose(hSocket := hAcceptedSocket);]P		hAcceptedSocket := RTS_INVALID_HANDLE;^(// close the socket._dIF hMySocket <> RTS_INVALID_HANDLE AND xClose THEN`H	SysSockClose(hSocket := hMySocket);aT	SysSockClose(hSocket := hAcceptedSocket);b$	xClose := FALSE; c.	xIsConnected := FALSE;dB	hMySocket := RTS_INVALID_HANDLE;eN	hAcceptedSocket := RTS_INVALID_HANDLE;f			gInterfacehL{a9ed5b7e-75c5-4651-af16-d2c27e98cb94}iPROGRAM PLC_PRGjVARk2	result : RTS_IEC_RESULT;lª	hMySocket : RTS_IEC_HANDLE := RTS_INVALID_HANDLE; // handle for our receiving socketmÈ	hAcceptedSocket : RTS_IEC_HANDLE := RTS_INVALID_HANDLE; // handle for the connection to our partnern†	socketAddress : SOCKADDRESS; // temporary used as input for bind()o¸	saConnectionPartner : SOCKADDRESS; // socket address struct size of whoever connected to uspô	diSaConnectionPartnerSize : DINT := SIZEOF(saConnectionPartner); // socket address struct size of whoever connected to usq˜	socketSet : SOCKET_FD_SET; // temporary variable used as input for select()r`	xClose : BOOL; // initiating closing the socketsZ	xOpen : BOOL; // initiate opening the sockett|	xIsBound : BOOL; // indicates if the socket is open and boundu	xIsConnected : BOOL; // inidcates if someone is connected to the socketvl	uiMessage : UINT; // place to store incoming messageswt	xiBytesReceived : __XINT; // how many bytes were receivedxš	diReuseAddr	: DINT := 1; // always 1. It is passed into the set option call.y”	diNonblocking	: DINT := 1; // always 1. It is passed into the Ioctl call.zÜ	tvSelectTimeout: SOCKET_TIMEVAL; // Timeout of select(). Left all 0 which means none, i.e. return immediatly.{Ú	diSocketsReadyToReceive : DINT; // output for select() ontaining the number of ports that can be received on|END_VAR}"UniqueIdGenerator~191POULevel€L{8e575c5b-1d37-49c6-941b-5c0ec7874787}Standard‚ ChildObjectGuidsƒ8System.Collections.ArrayList„,AddAttributeSubsequent…boolÐÐ-ÐÐ	E
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