Diff of / szl4p3-prj,szl4p3,CDS/ABB_AC800_PEC/Plc Logic/APP/00 System/01 Global Variables/Interface/TS_RxBSW_Vehicle_OpToAPP/svnobj [000000] .. [r2]  Maximize  Restore

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--- a
+++ b/ szl4p3-prj,szl4p3,CDS/ABB_AC800_PEC/Plc Logic/APP/00 System/01 Global Variables/Interface/TS_RxBSW_Vehicle_OpToAPP/svnobj
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
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(*‚not used / mode selected (will be deleted in the first  release):,15000 = 15kV/16.7Hz AC(25000 = 25kV/50Hz AC750 = 750V DC1500 = 1500V DC3000 = 3000V DCH0 = no mode selected (system change)$1 = DE mode Master"2 = DE mode Slave5 = 3Ph AC$6 = negativ supply$9 = Special supply10 = ESC mode0Combinations (Examples):X1501 = Hybrid Mode 1500V DC + DE mode MasterJ11 = Hybrid Mode DE mode Master + ESCfMore combination according this convention possible ‚This file is auto-generated by the CODESYS IDE extension package.!*Do not edit manually."*)#<TYPE TS_RxBSW_Vehicle_OpToAPP:$STRUCT%z    MVB_Status            :  INT;       // -1 MVB not working&h                                        // 0 Data ok'¬                                        // 1 Data on an^y port is older thank sik time(’    SYS_CountryCode_Sel   :  UINT;      // not used / country selected (will be deleted as soon as parametrisation from APP is possible):)†                                        // Code based on ISO-3166-1*V                                        // +h                                        // Examples:,n                                        // 0 = not used-x                                        // 655 = Switzerland.p                                        // 276 = Germany/n                                        // 40 = Austria0n                                        // 250 = France1l                                        // 380 = Italy2n                                        // 578 = Norway3n                                        // 753 = Sweden4Ø    SYS_ModeSelected      :  UINT;      // not used / mode selected (will be deleted in the first  release):5‚                                        // 15000 = 15kV/16.7Hz AC6~                                        // 25000 = 25kV/50Hz AC7p                                        // 750 = 750V DC8t                                        // 1500 = 1500V DC9t                                        // 3000 = 3000V DC:ž                                        // 0 = no mode selected (system change);z                                        // 1 = DE mode Master<x                                        // 2 = DE mode Slave=j                                        // 5 = 3Ph AC>z                                        // 6 = negativ supply?z                                        // 9 = Special supply@p                                        // 10 = ESC modeA†                                        // Combinations (Examples):B®                                        // 1501 = Hybrid Mode 1500V DC + DE mode MasterC                                         // 11 = Hybrid Mode DE mode Master + ESCD¼                                        // More combination according this convention possibleE~    SYS_Mtrain_est        :  LREAL;     // estimated train massFEND_STRUCTGEND_TYPEH"UniqueIdGeneratorI68ÐÐÐE@ÐÐ	
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