Diff of / szl4p3-prj,szl4p3,CDS/ABB_AC800_PEC/Plc Logic/APP/00 System/01 Global Variables/Interface/TS_TxBSW_Tx_FBus_OpToBSW/svnobj [000000] .. [r2]  Maximize  Restore

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+++ b/ szl4p3-prj,szl4p3,CDS/ABB_AC800_PEC/Plc Logic/APP/00 System/01 Global Variables/Interface/TS_TxBSW_Tx_FBus_OpToBSW/svnobj
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(*XMVB: Scaling and unit individual per project‚This file is auto-generated by the CODESYS IDE extension package.*Do not edit manually.*)<TYPE TS_TxBSW_Tx_FBus_OpToBSW:STRUCT®    FBus3_TxPort0_Word01  :  UINT;      // MVB: Scaling and unit individual per project®    FBus3_TxPort0_Word02  :  UINT;      // MVB: Scaling and unit individual per project®    FBus3_TxPort0_Word03  :  UINT;      // MVB: Scaling and unit individual per project®    FBus3_TxPort0_Word04  :  UINT;      // MVB: Scaling and unit individual per project®    FBus3_TxPort0_Word05  :  UINT;      // MVB: Scaling and unit individual per project®    FBus3_TxPort0_Word06  :  UINT;      // MVB: Scaling and unit individual per project®    FBus3_TxPort0_Word07  :  UINT;      // MVB: Scaling and unit individual per project®    FBus3_TxPort0_Word08  :  UINT;      // MVB: Scaling and unit individual per project®    FBus3_TxPort0_Word09  :  UINT;      // MVB: Scaling and unit individual per project®    FBus3_TxPort0_Word10  :  UINT;      // MVB: Scaling and unit individual per project®    FBus3_TxPort0_Word11  :  UINT;      // MVB: Scaling and unit individual per project ®    FBus3_TxPort0_Word12  :  UINT;      // MVB: Scaling and unit individual per project!®    FBus3_TxPort0_Word13  :  UINT;      // MVB: Scaling and unit individual per project"®    FBus3_TxPort0_Word14  :  UINT;      // MVB: Scaling and unit individual per project#®    FBus3_TxPort0_Word15  :  UINT;      // MVB: Scaling and unit individual per project$®    FBus3_TxPort0_Word16  :  UINT;      // MVB: Scaling and unit individual per project%®    FBus3_TxPort1_Word01  :  UINT;      // MVB: Scaling and unit individual per project&®    FBus3_TxPort1_Word02  :  UINT;      // MVB: Scaling and unit individual per project'®    FBus3_TxPort1_Word03  :  UINT;      // MVB: Scaling and unit individual per project(®    FBus3_TxPort1_Word04  :  UINT;      // MVB: Scaling and unit individual per project)®    FBus3_TxPort1_Word05  :  UINT;      // MVB: Scaling and unit individual per project*®    FBus3_TxPort1_Word06  :  UINT;      // MVB: Scaling and unit individual per project+®    FBus3_TxPort1_Word07  :  UINT;      // MVB: Scaling and unit individual per project,®    FBus3_TxPort1_Word08  :  UINT;      // MVB: Scaling and unit individual per project-®    FBus3_TxPort1_Word09  :  UINT;      // MVB: Scaling and unit individual per project.®    FBus3_TxPort1_Word10  :  UINT;      // MVB: Scaling and unit individual per project/®    FBus3_TxPort1_Word11  :  UINT;      // MVB: Scaling and unit individual per project0®    FBus3_TxPort1_Word12  :  UINT;      // MVB: Scaling and unit individual per project1®    FBus3_TxPort1_Word13  :  UINT;      // MVB: Scaling and unit individual per project2®    FBus3_TxPort1_Word14  :  UINT;      // MVB: Scaling and unit individual per project3®    FBus3_TxPort1_Word15  :  UINT;      // MVB: Scaling and unit individual per project4®    FBus3_TxPort1_Word16  :  UINT;      // MVB: Scaling and unit individual per project5®    FBus3_TxPort2_Word01  :  UINT;      // MVB: Scaling and unit individual per project6®    FBus3_TxPort2_Word02  :  UINT;      // MVB: Scaling and unit individual per project7®    FBus3_TxPort2_Word03  :  UINT;      // MVB: Scaling and unit individual per project8®    FBus3_TxPort2_Word04  :  UINT;      // MVB: Scaling and unit individual per project9®    FBus3_TxPort2_Word05  :  UINT;      // MVB: Scaling and unit individual per project:®    FBus3_TxPort2_Word06  :  UINT;      // MVB: Scaling and unit individual per project;®    FBus3_TxPort2_Word07  :  UINT;      // MVB: Scaling and unit individual per project<®    FBus3_TxPort2_Word08  :  UINT;      // MVB: Scaling and unit individual per project=®    FBus3_TxPort2_Word09  :  UINT;      // MVB: Scaling and unit individual per project>®    FBus3_TxPort2_Word10  :  UINT;      // MVB: Scaling and unit individual per project?®    FBus3_TxPort2_Word11  :  UINT;      // MVB: Scaling and unit individual per project@®    FBus3_TxPort2_Word12  :  UINT;      // MVB: Scaling and unit individual per projectA®    FBus3_TxPort2_Word13  :  UINT;      // MVB: Scaling and unit individual per projectB®    FBus3_TxPort2_Word14  :  UINT;      // MVB: Scaling and unit individual per projectC®    FBus3_TxPort2_Word15  :  UINT;      // MVB: Scaling and unit individual per projectD®    FBus3_TxPort2_Word16  :  UINT;      // MVB: Scaling and unit individual per projectEEND_STRUCTFEND_TYPEG"UniqueIdGeneratorH63ÐÐÐE;ÐÐ	
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