/trunk/cforge/cforge Commit Log

Commit Date  
[r25] by ingo

Added draft of build command for packages

2018-06-01 13:35:55 Tree
[r24] by ingo

#5 Implement checkout

2018-05-15 22:21:34 Tree
[r23] by ingo

#5 Implement checkout

2018-05-09 23:36:32 Tree
[r22] by erichspitzweg

extended debug mode

2018-04-24 18:15:58 Tree
[r21] by erichspitzweg

added revision and build date to cforge

2018-04-23 18:28:07 Tree
[r20] by erichspitzweg

#4 - fix package installation if file extension is not enough...

2018-04-17 18:47:17 Tree
[r19] by erichspitzweg

now import.py is able to do an initial svn import of a lib or project
script can be called form inside codesys or via batch file

2018-04-13 19:42:01 Tree
[r18] by erichspitzweg

removed external call, does not work... dk why

2018-04-13 18:21:03 Tree
[r17] by erichspitzweg

complete folder is copied now
package also calls setup.bat by itself

2018-04-13 17:57:33 Tree
[r16] by erichspitzweg

manifest changed, so that only complete script folder is copied
fixed some bugs in scripts
import still not completely ok

2018-04-12 18:39:08 Tree
[r15] by erichspitzweg

codesys action scripts are now also in the package
cforge does not show all scripts anymore as commands. only the ones with valid "magic usage" function

2018-04-03 19:21:54 Tree
[r14] by erichspitzweg

added test for plcopen export
added local module path, so modules from "scripts" can be included by default

2018-04-03 19:00:40 Tree
[r13] by erichspitzweg

- new script for calling PackageManager.exe to show all installed packages
- fixed bug: command without arguments

2018-04-03 18:15:50 Tree
[r12] by erichspitzweg
2018-03-30 17:44:52 Tree
[r11] by erichspitzweg

now python scriptlib path is added, so python libs are found and can be used

2018-03-26 18:48:54 Tree
[r10] by erichspitzweg

new feature "easy attach" -> if a file named "debug" is put into the cforge folder, the binary can easily debugged (attached from VS) to find bugs...

2018-03-22 20:06:51 Tree
[r9] by erichspitzweg

fixed bug for urlhandler links

2018-03-20 20:20:27 Tree
[r8] by erichspitzweg

Command line output for setup

2018-03-20 20:06:32 Tree
[r7] by erichspitzweg

- dont automatically elevate user
- changed license texts
- added licenses to package
- now only 1 setup.bat to install urlhandler and set path in one step

2018-03-20 20:04:12 Tree
[r6] by erichspitzweg

added new command for install tool to system path

2018-03-17 10:50:25 Tree
[r5] by erichspitzweg

remove binaries from package in repo

2018-03-17 07:54:08 Tree
[r4] by erichspitzweg

fixed "run elevated" problem in app manifest
changed filenames in package

2018-03-17 07:52:04 Tree
[r3] by erichspitzweg

initial commit of cforge base tool
- url handler and registration
- list scripts
- deploy as codesys package

2018-03-17 06:58:48 Tree